So much of our public discourse today plays out through the media and their
broadcasting of politicians.  I have been sitting with the question of what
happens from here?  It occurs to me that rather than watching with great
frustration as the politicians and media foment discord and speak of
punishing those at fault, it is time to let them know that there are voices
who wish to see a different kind of response.  I have gathered e-mail
addresses for people I thought important to reach.  Some are here because
they are in positions of power and it seems important that they hear another
perspective.  I chose others because they seem to be searching for other
alternatives and are respected.  You may have others you think worth

So, I ask, as we talk to each other to make some sense out of this, please
consider also contacting people with power and influence to let them know we
wish to see a different kind of response.  The note I am sending follows the
addresses I've located.


ABC News
(I'm contacting Ted Koppel)

ABC World news tonight with Peter Jennings

CBS News with Dan Rather

NBC News with Tom Brokaw

Lots of NBC contact addresses:

CNN news

Bill Moyers     (this one's a bit of a guess)

Oprah Winfrey

President George W. Bush:

Vice President Dick Cheney:


House of Representatives

Working Assets Long Distance


The World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks create an enormous opportunity
for unity.  These unspeakable acts dramatically draw most of us together in
our shock and disbelief.  What about those who celebrate it?  Who are they?
What is it that moves them to joy as the rest of us are moved to tears?

Their stories are a vital part of what happens next.  As a person with great
influence and power, I implore you to tell us their stories.  Why do I want
to know?  Because it is by understanding their humanity that the greatest
chance for healing all of us occurs.

We can respond, as we always do, with swift, and just military vengeance.
We have centuries of experience of the results of this course.  It simply
breeds more of the same.

At this time when we are all grieving for the people directly affected and
those close to them, let us respond differently.  Help us to understand the
anger that turns such atrocity into valid action so that we can face the
enemy and see their humanity in ourselves.

Rather than deepen the divide, help us bridge it.

Peggy Holman

P.S.  Here are some other voices speaking eloquently to this issue.

The Mayor of New York says "this was an unprovoked act against innocent men
women and children."

I write to use all means available to simply say, there is no cause without
a cause. The creation of terrorism must be understood and dealt with at the
root of what creates people whose lives are pained enough to make this kind
of move. Everything is provoked. We must understand the deeper picture of
human reality.

Dr. Douglass Carmichael


If, as the Dalai Lama has said, we have moved from a century of war to a
century of dialogue, then our choice is clear. On a scale never before
imaginable, we must know our enemy - not forgive them; not excuse them; and
not appease them  - but KNOW them. We must know them in our hearts and
respond to them with a wisdom that passeth all understanding.

Mark Gerzon

To Mark Gerzon's comments I would add a challenge to further our knowing of
ourselves: we must take up the painful question, How are the horrific acts
perpetrated today similar to acts -- fast and slow -- perpetrated within
recent memory and every day by the United States, other nations with similar
blindnesses, and transnational corporations? Can we come to acknowledge our
share of culpability in fostering the conditions that have nurtured the rage
and determination we saw today?

Meeting the heart of the enemy means being willing to see ourselves. New
wisdom in response to a new understanding will demand that we change our
lives -- not in order to seek greater security, but to stand down from the
ongoing provocations for which we have been responsible.

Halim Dunsky

**** Please note new address: ***

Peggy Holman
The Open Circle Company
15347 SE 49th Place
Bellevue, WA  98006
425.378.8331 (fax)

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