friends and colleagues...

thanks to all who've posted here lately, your messages have been
wonderful to receive here, especially those coming from so far away and
making it so clear that this is an event that touches the future of
humanity, beyond the future of any one nation or city.   when the news
came out here, i called a local community i've been part of here for
some time, the crossroads center for faith and work, and offered to
facilitate a community conversation.  they called back today, eager for
something to happen.  our invitation is pasted here below.  your
messages were obviously central to this writing and i've posted a number
of them to the webpage bulletin board where i've invited folks here to
go visit, read and post what they will.  hope what i've done with the
messages is acceptable.  mostly i wanted to give these messages wider
audience.  they are so important now, i think.  so here is what i'm
doing here in chicago, or at least what i am offering to any and all who
might join in.  perhaps others are doing similar things and will post
their invitations as well.




ON TUESDAY MORNING, the world was changed forever, in ways that the
whole world is struggling to understand.  a farmer's wife stands sobbing
at the newstand outside frankfurt.  a croatian mother stays up all night
in australia watching news reports from new york.  thirty-eight
international flights land in gander, newfoundland in canada where
locals scramble for cots and baby formula.  kmart announces that it will
no longer sell guns or ammunition.  the governor of texas grants a
30-day stay of execution.

AROUND THE WORLD, there is shock and also the recognition that this
terrible event it not separate from any of us.  were you on the phone
with the world trade center?  do you have a financial stake in what
world markets do in the next weeks?  do you know fear and anger and
uncertainty in your life?  and do you still long for love and
compassion?  can you taste in this collapse of humanity the beginnings
of new love and compassion in the world?

WILL YOU JOIN US in constructive, compassionate, community conversation
about all that has happened and all that must be?  we are gathering now
in three places...

EMAIL LIST:  post your reflections and ideas, prayers and proposals, to
an expanding list of people working to support and encourage new ways of
working and being in the world.  send an email to this address to: OR visit this webpage: to join this group.

BULLETIN BOARD:  read reflections and reactions from around the world,
and post your own reflections, about what has happened and what we are
all now called to do and be...

COMMUNITY GATHERING:  join us on Friday, September 12, 2001, from 12:45
until 5:00pm, at 711 west monroe street in chicago, for community
conversation, to make sense of what has happened and to begin to
discover what our work must be next, and now.  RSVP to melissa woods at or 312-798-2305.


Michael Herman
300 West North Avenue #1105
Chicago IL 60610
312-280-7838 voice
312-280-7837 fax
a personal/professional portal to
consulting, open space, evolution,
invitation resources, michael's
open notebook, and the rest of

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