Dearest Julie

you wrote:

           < I want to say again that I have been deeply and positively 
impacted by each and every message I have read on this list that relates to the 
            events of Tuesday morning.  I thank you from the bottom of my 
heart, one and all.  And also to all who remain silently understanding, I thank 
                you.  Your silent support is as important as all that is spoken 
outloud.  I feel your strong and powerful presence.  To those who I know and 
love, and     to those I have not yet known, thank you.>

    You touched me so deeply and so directly that as so you were hearing my 
thoughts and prayers.
 I feel the need to say thank you from the bottom of my joining heart.

My os friends:

 I did not have words. 
 but silent support 
 trying to care and carry
not to barry
 for those who are still under the ruins
to be rescued, 
 awaiting what is to be born
 after this end of the world.
being torn apart 
being  a part of
  *U.S, us and all of us 

(thank you florian for noticing *US - us)

I want to thank every one on  the list for being  here and sharing and holding 
this space 

with support

Tova Averbuch

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Julie Smith 
  Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 10:49 PM
  Subject: Re: Peace, Truth, Justice and Mercy

  Dear Eugenio and all,

  I have often shared that sense of relief when someone, anyone, expressed 
understanding or appreciation of the words I have spoken so wrenchingly from my 
heart.  Eugenio, I thank you for putting words to that feeling we all share. I 
want to say again that I have been deeply and positively impacted by each and 
every message I have read on this list that relates to the events of Tuesday 
morning.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart, one and all.  And also to 
all who remain silently understanding, I thank you.  Your silent support is as 
important as all that is spoken outloud.  I feel your strong and powerful 
presence.  To those who I know and love, and to those I have not yet known, 
thank you.

  In my efforts to push past my fear to reach my open loving courageous space, 
these words from Audre Lourde sometimes come to mind:

  "When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, 
then it becomes less and less important whether or not I am afraid."

  peace to us all ~

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Eugenio Moliní 
    Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 10:03 AM
    Subject: Re: Peace, Truth, Justice and Mercy

    Dear all and Diane S. Menedez:
    I thank you from the deepest of my soul for your acknowledgement of my 
message. It helped a lot to open my inner Space again. It took a great effort 
to force myself out of shock and write my first message. After that I was 
receeding again back into shock when your message asking for more information 
came through showing that any voice, even mine, counts. I share whatever needs 
to be shared if it can help anybody anywhere. And by sharing  also help myself 
to JUST DO IT! as Harrison Owen exhorts us to do.
    This morning I was supervising at a psychiatric hospital here in Stockholm, 
Sweden. The session became something different than what it usually is. It 
became an Open Space for sharing whatever needed to be shared. I didn´t do 
anything to open it. The need was just there. The space kept closing and 
opening during three hours. The feelings of powerlessness made some people 
utter  terrible things about inmigrants in general, muslims and jews in 
particular. The space closed, but opened again in miraculous ways. I don' t get 
it, but I imagine that that' s what we are going to see once and again in the 
months to come. Responsibility and passion for keeping it open wherever we go 
is the task.
    For some minutes ago I saw President Bush crying on TV and at the same time 
saying : I have a job to do. Well, we cry, despair and shout, ... and we also 
have a job to do. I join my voice with H.Owens. JUST DO IT! 
    You question Diane:
    The training was organized by the Norwegian Peace Center, in Lillehamer, 
Norway. The facilitator/trainer was John Paul Lederach, from the Eastern 
Mennonite University, Virginia, USA. He has written some wonderful and useful 
books. Two of them are:
    "Building Peace: Sustainable reconciliation in divided societies"
    United States Institute for Peace Press 1997
    ISBN 1-878379-73-9
    "Preparing for pace: Conflict transformation across cultures"
    Syracuse University Press 1995
    ISBN 0-8156-2656-8
    Moliní - Managing Complexity
    Eugenio Moliní
    Mobil: +46 (0)70 5644668
    Brunbarsvagen 8
    11421 Stockholm
      -----Original Message-----
      From: OSLIST []On Behalf Of Diane S. 
Menendez, Ph.D.
      Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 3:24 PM
      Subject: Re: Peace, Truth, Justice and Mercy

      Hi to all and Eugenio,

      Can you share the name of the person or firm who did the training?  I'm 
participating in a collaborative here in Cincinncati that is led by Jay 
Rothman, of the ARIA group, who specializes in mediation for Identity Based 
Conflicts.  The four voices are a wonderfully memorable way of guiding our 
hearing and perceptions for what is, and for what is missing and needed.

      Thank you so much.


      At 03:44 PM 9/12/01, you wrote:

        A couple of years ago I was in a training for mediators called 
"Sustainable Reconciliation in divided societies". 
        Participants came from Chechenja, The Balcans, The African Great Lakes 
Region, Northern Ireland, ... and a majority of people like me from the western 
welfare societies. 
        One of the most impacting learnings was that for reconciliation to take 
place, four voices have to be heard and allowed to permeate all actions. Those 
are the voices of Peace, Truth, Justice and Mercy. 
        In the media and political speeches I hear the voice of Justice clear 
and loud, maybe the whispers of Truth.
        In this list/space I can read what Mercy and Peace have to say.
        Let´s keep the space open so that all four can be expressed and acted 
in the same Space and at the same Time.
        I pray that president Bush hears the four voices and allows them to 
permeate all the actions that he will have to order.
        My deepest condoleances to all those that are directly affected by this 
terrorist action and to all of us (and them whoever they are) that are too.
        Moliní - Managing Complexity
        Eugenio Moliní
        Mobil: +46 (0)70 5644668
        Brunbarsvagen 8
        11421 Stockholm
      Diane S. Menendez, Ph.D.                   Master Certified Coach 

        "Tell me, what is it you plan to do 
        with your one wild and precious life?" 
                  --Mary Oliver, Collected Works 
      Let Your Life Speak--Let Your Heart Dance 
      Read our series, "The Seamless Life," at 

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