"The Law of Entrophy"
The pain is so strong
that it is almost killing itself

a struggle of life ond death
at the very centre

if I cannot bear this burning agony
day after day after day
the big coldness will gain even more ground

The only way to survive this
still alive
is with extreme defencelessness

Totally naked
and very upright
I feel my way
step by step

The rapid current constantly threatens to sweep me away
to a destiny
as bio-mass in the Flood

Nobody should really be surprised
after the world wars we already knows it all
               -and Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Algeria...
                      ...all these repetitions
No, there is no good reason to be surprised

Surprise beyond limit
is all that still keeps me here
if I lose my defenselessness
I am lost

Agneta Setterwall
...and thank you Florian for your "poemization" of my latter message! Nice
with some playfulness theese days.
(How do you spell "entrophy" in english? No dictionary tells. And do you
talk about "bio-mass"?)

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    • poems Agneta Setterwall
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