Averbuch schrieb:

>  There is a question that keeps knocking on my doors
> and I need your help for it because I could not come with any
> reasonable answer for myself:"What would you do if in an OST gathering
> came a space invader with a shot gun
> claming this gathering is offensive for him and must be stopped?"

dear tova,
this question in reality is not knocking at your door. be true.
you have the space to think about, you decided to give space to your
personal idea.
take care of ideas. they might become reality. may they are "good"ones
or "bad"ones.
so its to late now, because the idea is living. go further, bring it

there would be no other decision than to give space to the invader,
however he or she
will invade, give him space, you can´t avoid, because he or she takes
without asking you.
and why not stop a gathering if there is someone who feels offended ?
and why not stop a gathering to protect life ?

is it really still a question ?


florian fischer
begleitung im wandel
münchener 6
10779 berlin
fon 0049.30. 2116752
fax 0049.30. 2115943

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