I came across a mail / petition, that I joined some time ago and sent to 
today I got the same petition from a friend.
I think, it belongs also to the discussion going on here.
I erased quite a lot of header stuff this mail went though, but mention the 
time this branch of the mail was created.
I think I feel quite similar then the main stream on this list. But my 
question: What would have happend if you really had stood with cake and candy 
(as suggested here) around the german border in 1939, especially  if you 
would have been a jewisch guy...   
During last days we had here in German TV some notes from Peter 
Scholl-Latour, an old journalist, who is  - despite you like him or not - not 
thoughtless. And he  remembered us again that most of this terrorists  are in 
a Holy Belief that is unreachable for any arguments lifelong.
I think for us here on this list it may be much harder to accept this that 
there is no way in than to search for those ways, isn't it.
Therefor I share no whisdom or good ideas on this list, only helplessness.

But it seems interesting to me if this is my only European view. The American 
way may be:  we can solve anything.

How do you think about this?

Michael C. Funke

Dr. Michael C. Funke
Systemic Consulting Net 
Organisationsberatung & Personalentwicklung
Hoepnerstr. 4A
D-04157 Leipzig
fon/fax   0341 - 91 220 91
mobil     0177 5835 549
mail       michael.fu...@systemic-consulting.net


original messaghe below
<frank.niem...@pro-dialog.de>; <fhart...@bestweb.net>;
<haha...@hotmail.com>; <hu...@student.uni-kassel.de>; <vrrob...@wxs.nl>;
<jan.platan...@swipnet.se>; <olive...@pacbell.net>;
<j.pol...@mail.smartchat.net.au>; <josa...@compuserve.com>;
<mxy...@yahoo.com>; <johannaderuy...@hotmail.com>;

Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 4:06 PM

Subject: Taliban

Dear Friends, Please take a few minutes to read and act on this email.

On May 23rd 2001 the Taleban authorities in Afghanistan confirmed that all
Hindus will be required to wear a strip of yellow cloth sewn onto a shirt
pocket in order to identify themselves. They claim that the measure is
their "protection". The world has faced this before, in 1939 the world was
required, at great cost, to rid itself of Hitler's tyranny, it is not hard
to spot his child. Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to
relive it. The Taleban's record on respecting other religions gives great
cause for concern that their ultimate aim, upon which they are intent, is
"religious cleansing". They have already demonstrated their disdain and
intolerance for other religions and traditions by the desecration and
destruction of the ancient Buddhist statues, our collective heritage,
within the Afghanistan. Whatever your religion, or even if you have none,
we hope that you will agree that this fundamentally wrong. Remember, "All
it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing". Please do
do nothing, add your voice.

DIRECTIONS: PLEASE COPY this email on to a new message, add your name and
those of your household who wish to participate to the bottom and forward
it to everyone on your distribution list. If you receive this petition
you find that you will be the 251st name on it, please e-mail a copy of
to: alast...@om-int.com. It will then be forwarded to the UN.

Even if you decide not to sign, please be considerate and do not kill the
petition as you will be denying your friends, and theirs, their
voice. Instead return it to alast...@om-int.com

To The Secretary General, Security Council and General Assembly of the
United Nations. We the undersigned are appalled by the decision of the
Taleban government of Afghanistan to require all Hindus to wear a piece
yellow cloth sewn onto a shirt pocket in order to identify themselves. An
individual's communion with God, however they find him, is a matter of
personal conscience and must not be the subject of intimidation or
persecution. The right of everyone to worship as they wish is fundamental
and inalienable. The United Nations was founded in order to defeat Hitler
and his henchmen who required the same from another religion with all its
horrific consequences. It is completely unacceptable that nearly 60 years
later history is repeating itself.

We ask the following:

1. That the Taleban government is made aware in the strongest possible
terms that the world will not countenance this perversion of human
2. That prior to the United Nations and/or it's constituent members
granting recognition of the Taleban government this obscene policy is
reversed. 3. That the United Nations widen the terms of the trade
currently in force.

1. Alastair Mitton - London UK 2. Robert Mitton - London UK 3. Paulette
Budd - London UK 4. Andrew Peake - London UK 5. Pippa Howell - London UK
Cecile Kusters - Arnhem, the Netherlands 7. Sarah Malpas - London UK 8.
Susan Donnelly - Newcastle UK 9. Paul Donnelly - London UK 10. Pauline
Bartholomew - London UK 11. Is0bel McMillan London UK 12. Fiona Adamson
Minka Emina Kulenovic La Jolla, US 14. Cath Dolan, London, England 15.
Murphy, Murcia, Spain 16. William M. Rueter, Wisconsin, US 17. Jaclyn A.
Knapper, Tennessee, US 18. Louise Morris, Tennessee, US 19. Joe Stoud,
Matsuyama, Japan 20. Keiko Stroud, Matsuyama, Japan 21.Larry Asher, Nepal
22. Phyl Asher, Nepal 23. Reiny de Wit, Nepal 24. Helen Johnston, Nepal
Isaac Thompson, Northern Ireland 26. Anne Thompson, Northern Ireland 27.
Paul Carter, Vancouver, Canada 28. Lois Carter, Vancouver, Canada 29.
Bronwyn Short, Vancouver, Canada 30. David Short, Vancouver, Canada 31.
Mark Calder, Sydney, Australia 32. Graham Wintle, Surbiton, UK 33. Geoff
Chivers, Surbiton, UK 34. Derek Nathan New Malden UK 35. Mary Nathan New
Malden UK 36 Rosalind Preston, London UK 37 Marlena Schmool, UK 38
Borowski, Glasgow, UK 39. Ruth Warrens, London, UK 40. Anthony Warrens,
London, UK 41. Ian Goodman, London, UK 42. Liz Lightstone, London, UK 43
Elizabeth Simpson, London UK 44. Dimitris Kioussis 45. John_Griffin 46.
Hermann Bujard, Heidelberg, Germany 47. Regine Bujard, Heidelberg,
48. Konrad Beyreuther, Heidelberg, Germany 49. Ursula Beyreuther,
Heidelberg, Germany 50. Horst Simon, Heidelberg, Germany 51. Michael
Dresden 52. Dorothea Brand, Dresden 53. Christoph Lorra, Dresden 54.
Stocker, London, UK 55. Walter Stühmer, Göttingen, Germany 56. Nathan
Dascal, Tel Aviv, Israel 57. Tony Segal, London, UK 58. Malcolm Molyneux,
Blantyre, Malawi 59. Liz Molyneux, Blantyre, Malawi 60. Kevin Marsh
Kilifi, Kenya 61. Geoffrey Pasvol, London, UK 62. Eithne MacMahon,
UK 63. Gary French, London, UK 64 John Tapsall Stdney Australia 65. Peter
Taylor, Sydney Australia 66. Julie Gallard, Sydney Australia 67. Margaret
Evans, Sydney Australia 68. Margaret Martin, Sydney Australia 69. Sue
Ingram, Sydney Australia 70. Elizabeth Williamson, Sydney Australia
71. Sue Williamson, Kangaroo Valley Australia
72. Bev Dunphy, Kangaroo Valley Australia
73. Geoff Coleman, Sydney Australia
74. Cymbeline Buhler, New York, USA
75. Katrin Todt, Meissen,Germany
76. Michael Funke, Leipzig, Germany

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