Charles Krautheimer's editorial shows no historical perspective on these
Susan Sontag and other "leftist intellectuals" are not implying that the US
had this coming, but she is suggesting that we take a serious look at why
people are so angry.  Crazies aside, the US has been responsible for some of
the most corrupt and horrific third world regimes.  We supported Sadam and
the Teliban when they were of use to us, and they became "evil" when they
weren't .
This is a "war" we cannot win,because there are no targets, no armies, no
opposition to "surrender", just other guys to come along and hurt people.
I ask Krautheimer and everyone to UNDERSTAND not condone, forgive or even
accept, the anger of the so-called terrorists.  His editorial is not worthy
of a serious journalist.
Terry Greiss

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