Hello, all --

I spoke to Laurel on the telephone today.  She is sounding much, much

Her surgery couldn't be scheduled until tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon.

She has been warmed by your messages, which are being faxed (by me or by
you directly) to her friends' house for her.

On Saturday night she celebrated a triple birthday - hers (coming up -
the 27th or so?), her brother's and her 'best buddy' Connie's.

On Sunday they had an outdoor wedding in the Japanese garden at Royal
Roads University in Victoria, Canada.  'It was absolutely lovely', says
Ms. Laurel.  It was really hot out.  Sunday morning Rick and Laurel had
gone to the street arts market in downtown Victoria and she found this
beautiful, soft, light, white, flowing embroidered dress.  She wore over
that a brilliant orange-yellow batik shawl and the amber bracelet,
necklace and earrings that Jessica had brought back to her as a gift
from her cruise in Alaska.

She must have been glowing in the sunshine just like a ray of light

Our colleague Terry Conway (tell us if you have time, Terrie, the story
of the wedding) facilitated the Open Space, which lasted about 2 hours.
Rick had called local family and friends at the last minute, and
everybody arrived -- even his brother and his wife.  Rick called his
brother at 9:50am Sunday as the wife was still asleep -- the two of them
had to get on a ferry at 10:10am in order to make the wedding -- the two
of them just brushed their teeth, threw on some clothes and came.
Brett, Jessica, Chelsea and Rick's 10-year-old daughter Breanna were
also present, along with most of Laurel's family, including her mother.

On Monday they had another wedding (the official one for paperwork and
legalities) - a civil ceremony in the back yard.  Brett and Jessica were
the witnesses -- Brett was the Best Man and Jessica was the Matron of

Now Laurel feels 'settled and set' - as her biggest fear was how to
legally hold the family together in the event of any health emergency
(Laurel is divorced from the childrens' father and everyone including
the kids have wanted Laurel and Rick to get married so that Rick can be
their father, too.)

Family members have taken over the day-to-day duties for the household.
Laurel's sister Darlene and her husband flew into town and said they'd
stay as long as they were needed - weeks, months, whatever it takes.
The 'kiddos' (Brett - 14 and Jessica - 16 live in the house -- daughter
Chelsea lives on her own in town) are 'scared shitless of Auntie Dar',
who's apparently 'a little 4-foot, 11-inch dynamo -- a powerhouse', says
Laurel).  Auntie Dar already has the kids going through every item in
their rooms and she is helping them organize and clean.  Which let me
tell you: never happens when their mother tries to get them to do
that... Dar moved Brett downstairs to stay in the sunroom so Laurel and
Rick could have the whole upstairs of the house to themselves.

You go, Auntie Dar!

Rick and Laurel's brother are downstairs cleaning and rewiring the
basement and setting up a workshop for Rick.  They are happily puttering

The family is ready for tomorrow, and Laurel is feeling ready to handle
whatever happens as it happens.

I'll try to check in later on Wednesday or on Thursday so I can let you
know how everything goes.

Thank you for your love, support and prayers -- Laurel feels your love
surrounding her.


L i s a    H e f t
Consultant, facilitator, educator
Experiential learning and Open Space Technology

2325 Oregon
Berkeley, California
94705-1106 USA
(+01) 510 548-8449

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