Hi Erich,
there is plenty of material on my website in Hungarian, here is the
direct link:
In fact, it is a translation of all the German material.
viel Spass

--Original Message Text---
From: Erich Kolenaty
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 14:06:37 +0200

Servus everybody,

1. Following the law of two feet I had some major changes in my life.
You find my new addresses at the signature.

2. I will facilitate with a a bi-lingual conference in german and
hungarian. This will include an OS-part. Does anybody know a
hungarian translation of the OS-principles or can help us by making

Ofcourse we share it with the community.

thanks and best wishes from lovely Vienna

Erich Kolenaty

Erich Kolenaty

An der Bien 21,  A-1220 Wien
Fon und Fax:+42-1/280 88 67
Mobil: +43-664/110 75 20
E-Mail: erich.kolen...@utanet.at

Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1
12209 Berlin, Germany
FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464

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