Yes, I acknowledge that for it can be a good time to move some of the more 
focused conversations to a different room - eg BigMind, Caucus...

For me  personally, having the volume of messages pop up whenever I open my 
e-mail is both sometimes a bit overwhelming - AND also easy to engage in - one 
less thing to click into. I have really appreciated it.

I too have found my September mysteriously opening up, and have a sense of a 
quiet stillness, pregnant with new beginnings.

AND , as Toni says, it is not business as usual. there is no walking away 
(altho' I someteimes wish there were). A profound, shift, shattering has 
occured. Whatever  I/we do or say from here on in will take this as a reference 
point. So while it may not be a topic of specific conversation, it will be, at 
a subtle level, be an underlying thread of ........questioning/questing.

So glad to hear of Harrison's intent - not the time to "go fishing"!

Many thanks to all who have participated (speaking, lurking, reading, deleting) 
in this open space.

Meg Salter

MegaSpace Consulting

  There is so much more going on here than simply war and peace.  Let us hold 
ourselves in a space that IS the realm of all possibilities and not so easily 
walk away as though nothing is going on.  We are in the midst of the most 
important moment in history, IMHO, when mankind can turn the tide of thousands 
of years of war and oppression and link hands across oceans, continents and 
political systems.  Let us keep our eyes and hearts fastened on that which is 
happening with us, for us and by us.  Now is not the time to pretend it is 
business as usual.
  Blessings, Toni

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