Recently, I was forwarded a lengthy email that included, in pertinent part, the 
following information:   

In the book "Black Gold Hot Gold" the oil expected to flow from the vast 
oilfields under the Russian Caspian Sea, discovered about 20 years ago remains 
undrilled and untapped. That field contains about 500 years worth of oil at 
present world consumption rates. The only possible oil pipeline routes at the 
present time to handle the massive flow of oil from the Caspian Sea region 
under Chenya is either through Kosovo to the Mediterranean Sea, or through 
Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Indian  Ocean.  Two years ago, the Clinton 
administration attempted to place Kosovo under international control and begin 
pipeline construction, but was unable to complete the process.

The normal oil route would have been to move oil from Chenya, across the Black 
Sea and through the Bosporus to the Mediterranean. But the narrow Bosporus 
channel is already clogged with oil tankers from the existing
Black Sea oilfields. The only alternate is to move the tankers from the Black 
Sea, bypassing the Bosporus, up the Danube River and then through a very short 
pipeline across Kosovo to the Mediterranean at Tirana, Albania.  That process 
was stopped by the Chinese who have supplied and armed the Albanians, as a 
client state, since 1949.

Following the Soviet discovery of the vast Chechen oilfields in the  late 
1970's, they attempted to take control of Afghanistan to provide a  massive 
pipeline system to allow the Soviets to market their oil directly from
the Afghan-Pakistan seaport. This resulted in the decades long Soviet-Afghan 
war. The Soviets were stopped by the U.S. supplied and armed insurgent groups, 
including Osama bin Laden, who defeated the Soviets in the late 1980's.  The 
Soviets had massively built up their military in the 1980's, including the 
world's largest nuclear submarine fleet, gambling on the huge profits to be 
made by selling their Chechen oil on the open market. When the Afghans under 
bin Laden, backed by the U.S. CIA stopped the construction of the Soviet-Afghan 
pipeline, the Soviet Union went through an economic collapse and ceased to 
exist in 1991. The vast Chechen oilfield still
remains fallow and untapped. As identified in "Black Gold Hot Gold," the Empire 
of Energy is now making a new attempt to market the Chechen oil by carpet 
bombing Afghanistan and building the Afghan pipeline.

The terrain in northern Afghanistan is the arid rugged foothills of  the 
Himalayas known as the Hindu Kush and is defended by the large fierce tribal 
armies of the Northern Coalition who are excellent guerilla  fighters
with years of experience fighting Soviets, now backed by the Chinese, and not 
connected with the main Taliban  government in Kabul. The Soviets spent over 10 
years at great expense to attack and "carpet bomb"
Afghanistan, but they found fortress Himalaya is impenetrable. The result was  
tremendous loss of Soviet lives  and the economic collapse of the Soviet Union. 
George Bush is now leading the United States down that same road. The Empire of 
Energy has for almost 100 years had as its goal the dismantling of the United 
States of America and amalgamating it into one large global energy market. They 
have found in George Bush a willing partner. Any  war in Afghanistan would pit 
the  U.S. against the Chinese who just last week, on the day of the Word Trade 
Center attack, signed a mutual pact with the Afghans.
And so why would I wish to pass this information on when so much is being 
circulated daily?  Because it levels the playing field; though seemingly a 
story of division, it brings us together - we see the U.S., Russia, China and 
Afghanistan (to name only a few of the players) neatly outlined in the drama 
that unfolds before  us, not simply a group of terrorists attacking the United 
States because we "stand for freedom".  It allows us to see that this is much 
more of a world endeavor than the U.S. pitting itself against the "evil" 

And when the playing field is leveled, it allows us to step inside that field 
and begin to really hold and create the intention of peace, non-fear and 
motivational prayer that creates, with conceptual integrity, One Intention for 
Peace rather than a nation of beings hoping that a God outside of themselves is 
going to grant something urgently requested.  Do you not know that the citizens 
in these nations are holding the same intention with each of us?  And it is to 
the degree that we are able to hold it in purity without hatred, anger or the 
need for revenge that it IS accomplished.  Greater miracles than this have been 
created by less numbers.

I am reminded of a quote from I Corinthians, 3:2 - "I have fed you with milk, 
and not with meat: for hitherto you were not able to bear it, neither yet now 
are you able."

Let the prayer of your heart ensure that you are now able to bear "meat"; that 
the strength that comes with the maturity and wisdom of age will hold you in 
the fastness of knowing that brings understanding and compassion to a world 
that is filled with destruction and fear.  Let your knowing and your faith in 
the power of creation through each of us as Divine Beings create a vision of a 
world united.  It is in this common prayer and intention that it IS created.  
It is our Divine birthright and our obligation to the earth that sustains us.

Toni Petrinovich

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