911 has prompted me to look for ways to be philanthropic with my work. I have
decided to volunteer economic development oriented consultation in third
world nations. As a pilot project I have called upon contacts in a German
foreign aid organization in Nepal.  I had been told by several Nepali
business owners that one of their greatest challenges is to develop into
globally comptetitive companies while they are encumbered with caste based
employment policies. Because they are obligated to employ anyone from their
caste, whether they have a job for them or not these business owners are
burdened with more employees than they need. So their need for greater
efficiency conflicts with their sense of caste responsibility.

I told my contacts in Nepal that if they could supply me with everyone in a
business for three days I would help them take on the issue above.  They
found one and I am going over to Nepal the second week of November (after
working for several days in Dubai, UAE).  The business is one of over 20
owned by one family, but I am not sure yet which one I will be with.

So, I would greatly appreciate anyone's wisdom about using OS in this kind of
third world context.  I will get a translator for when I walk the circle,
etc.  I think we can get enough computers, and a space.  I expect that many
participants will be illiterate. The politics will range from royal loyalists
to Maoists. Humility and responsiveness to those with power is a big part of
the culture. I have worked for a couple of weeks in Nepal about 18 months ago
but that was my one and only time in there.

Thanks for your ideas

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