At 14:15 05-12-2001, Winston Kinch wrote:

I just received another one this morning from someone on our list as some
kind of an ".scr" attachment (I didn't wait to get the details before
deleting it, so I can't be more specific unfortunately).

Probably, it was the "W32.Goner.A@mm" that is very recent. VIA Network
(an international Internet provider) informed all its users of this worm two
days ago.


Subject: Hi
Atachment: gonner.scr

The other virus I have refered in a previous mail has the following

- Subject . "Re:    " (only that) or "Re:  (previous subject)"

The first type seams to be automatically generated to all the adresses
of the adress list and the second only to the original sender.

"I have seen the enemy, and it is us..."

I think you are right, Winston. And in this moment, after all the virus war
of the last days, I am pretty sure that ALL the subscribers of this list
THAT are not protected with an UPDATED anti-virus are potencially infected
and hence unwillingly senders of some viruses. Those are the normal colateral
effects of war, I suppose...

So I would suggest:

(1) if you have installed an anti-virus in your computer, please update it NOW!

(2) if you have NOT installed an anti-virus please install one NOW!

After that, please run the anti-virus on your disk (all files).

Good anti-virus can be purchased or installed for free for a trial period
of 30 days from or

If we are not able to stop all wars, at least let's make war to the virus
war ;-)



PS: and, of course, NEVER open an attachement unless you have an anti-virus
installed and you know the sender...

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