Joelle -

What a marvelous time I had in the world that your poem painted.  Let's hear
it for the crows.

And I also like how the very shape of the text on the page looks like a
breathing in...

...and out...


- - -
L i s a   H e f t
Consultant, facilitator, educator
Open Space Technology and Experiential Learning

2325 Oregon
Berkeley, California
94705-1106  USA
(+01) 510 548-8449

-----Original Message-----
 Subject: Poem

Waking Up

Gray winter sky
dark, heavy and silent.
Hot black coffee warming
my body as I sit with the day.
Handful of crow feathers, my token
for the raucous voice of truth and magic.
Your fiery voice, warming the blue-grey screen
with passion, compassion, the pleasure of shared laughter.
Poems, a trickle then a growing stream,
melt the silence of this winter's day.

Joelle Lyons Everett
January, 2002

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