Dear Tova,
a year ago a journalist came to an open space on conflict resolution
issues in Berlin schools. He had just wanted to have a quick peek and
be off again. He got hooked and stayed throughout and also announced
an issue. Afterwards he wrote a very informed article which you can
see on my website (prerequisite: German).
Last Thursday and Friday the same sponsor opened space on the theme
of racism in Berlin schools (again 250 kids and adults showed up).
And the journalist came, this time it was clear he would be there
full length. He will write again and it will be published later next
week in the same daily Berlin paper.
These topics attracted a whole bunch of other reporter, radio and
TV-people that dropped in unannounced at various times during the
open space.
It did in no way require me as the holder of space and time to do
anything (which is my main mode anyway).
For the planning phase before the open spaces the sponsor decides on
having journalists there just as he handles all the other
To your questions: I wonder whether there can be "privacy" in an open
space, especially in a "semi-political setting" and I have always
experience polarization to be of great benefit in open space (the
more conflicting views or potential conflict, the more energy and
responsibility in open space, exactly the engines to get things
Good luck

--Original Message Text---
From: Averbuch
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 15:04:47 +0200

,Dear OSlist friends and colleges

I am looking for help regarding Journalists in OS.

Since I have never done an OS a "semi political" setting and never
had journalists in an OS I will appreciate greatly some tips,
do/don't from you experiences.

This OS is on the issue of social and community aspects in physical
planning (I think it is called social evaluation`).    This move is
sponsored initially by two major social and government agencies and
while planning, the space opened, and now includes 11 sponsors who
are very relevant to the initiative . We are working with a
preparatory community for few months now.

The choice of OST as an opening step is meant to invite, generate and
unleash energy and passion to take responsible action that is there
around this issue and create a structured way to encorporate social
and community aspects into phisical planning.

One of the sponsors invited journalists to come to tne os, thinking
it is a good idea to "market and raise awareness" to the issue. I
feel nervous having Journalists in two ways:

# privacy for the participants

#"polotization" of the conversation.

I shared my apprehension with my clients and told them I'll write to
hear your advice. We are listening, please talk to us...



PS since I will be away for few days from Sunday  I will write back
before then or after I am back, thanks again.T.

Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1
12209 Berlin, Germany
FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464

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