Dear Ost community

Thank you for  this rich and dynamic dialogue......I have  been
enjoying and reflecting  on these treads of credibility building,
more or less structure in the OST community, purpose of the board and
- maybe the most wonderful solution to all our problems......unless
we remember that it has been tried  many times before and did not
work well as far as I have seen at least.

 - the dialogue seems to hit the core of our different practise,
beliefs and assumptions in this work of opening space for ourselves
and some others....... and cover a great necessity looking at the
core of what we share here.

 I have felt space opening and closing like breath as I have read the
different  opinions, insights and suggestions - some times breathing
became stressed and then relaxed with the next mail.
Our circle of open space learning bouncing in its round corners but
not breaking - i find that healthy.
 - we have not found the Truth yet - but it would be wonderful to
nail it down so that all our clients and family members etc would
finally understand what we do ??!! this strange pioneer work of transforming ourselves and our
ways of leading, meeting and organizing and discovering a simple
natural way of reconnecting as the human we are - always where by the
way the original circle of humans - where clarity and
purpose, heart and courage  where leading.......and, create  and change...

and we can keep opening, looking and learning more and doing less
- being less and letting others do more of what they want and need to .......

I hold a few questions now :

What is the intent of the OST community in the first place?

Where and how does getting started with OST practice and long time
OST experience dance in our midst ?

How do we keep inspiring each other to go for integrity and staying
the student ?

Where is the border line between a community of practise and a cult
who know best?

How to trust more than I have trusted until now ?

How to find the balance between accomodating clients and  inspire to
be a more human  amateur and less just professional  pawn?

just a few thoughts as the sun break the rainy last winterish day
here at the lake in Denmark

By the way, I find my heart saying HO to grand imperial student
Harrison's  perspectives - I feel space opening as I click his
meaning and my own .......

thanks  and cheers -

- toke


I have been following the discussion initiated by Kerry with
interest and from afar -- recently opening some space in Serbia.
Anyhow, I have been mulling over the notion of the credibility (or
lack thereof) of Open Space. On the one hand it amazes (and
sometimes amuses) me that some folks talk about OS as if it were
this wild, new, risky, presumably untried approach. As most of us
know, it has been around for a while and always seems to work. So
where is the novelty and risk? I believe the key to the conundrum
lies in paradigm shift -- or God forbid, Transformation. Seen from
the point of view of the paradigm all of us grew up with, and most
(in the west or Western influenced world) still hold -- Open Space
should not work. Indeed, it can't work. And if it did, the impact on
the predominant view of organizations would be disastrous, to say
nothing of expensive for an awful lot of folks who earn their living
in service to those organizations. Small wonder that Open Space has
not found ready acceptance in the world at large, to say nothing of
credibility. A friend once said, Harrison, You have developed the
ultimate scam. The client does all the work and even writes the
report.   Funny, but i guess that is true -- especially when viewed
from the reigning paradigm. So anyhow, I rather suspect that if we
had detailed reports from all the thousands of Open spaces that have
occurred -- data up the kazoo so to speak -- I sincerely doubt that
Open Space would be any more credible. I think the stories we share
on this list are great -- and very instructive. But as sources of
credibility they are pretty useless. To the best of my knowledge,
nobody ever decided to do Open Space on the basis of argument and/or
data. The decision comes from a different place, be that desperation
(no other options) or a profound faith in the capacity of the Human
Spirit to rise to the occasion -- or both.

And then we come to the Status of Open Spacers. Personally, I rather
fancy the title of Imperial Grand Master. I just hope I can run fast
enough before you guys puncture my balloon, rain on my parade, or
worse. The title, however,  does have a certain ring to it. But it
is worth while to remember that there was a point when this Imperial
Grand Master had done only one Open Space. I can't say that
experience is not important, but I think there are other qualities
that are infinitely more important. Integrity and authenticity, for
two. As we all know full well, the process is so simple that
virtually anybody can carry it out. It is also extremely forgiving
to the point that parts can be skipped, words mis-said -- and
everything just works fine. But if there is a problem with integrity
and/or authenticity, we are in deep kimshee. The most obvious case
is when some one stands up to proclaim the space to be open, but
everybody knows the agenda has been set, and the plans made. Nasty
taste! So I find myself retreating to my old position. Anybody with
a good head and a good heart can do it well, and not much else is
required. Thank God.


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, MD 20854 USA
phone 301-365-2093
Open Space Training
Open Space Institute
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"It's the space between the notes.....".  Miles Davis

Some of the project we are currently involved in :
Den Levende Netværksskole - et vindue mod verden
Netrepreneur - leadership training for Entrepreneurs in a networked
Art and business Folk High school
Open Space on Evaluation of social work
International network of leaders
Leadership in networks - training of small business leaders
Convening strategic  conversations - workshop
World cafe network - Starting conversations that matter

Toke Paludan Møller       InterChange  Aps   - at the edge of nature
- City office at  "DAYS - like this" - Mejlgade
50, st., 8000 C Århus, Denmark   Ph: +45 70 20 13 35.   Mobile  +45
2616 6919   Fax: +45 8619 1135
email:        URL:
Home office at the lake - Stengaardsvej 5 A,   8600 Silkeborg, Denmark

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