Hi All,

As your new poet laureate (laurelate?), I put together this bit of "found 
poetry" from the Credible incredible discussion.  ("Found poetry" is something 
my kids do - they find bits and pieces embedded in newspaper articles and other 
writing and put it together in ways that enhance the meaning of the article.  
So I simply lifted bits and pieces from the wonderful list discussion and put 
them together - none of the words are my own - and I've borrowed from virtually 
everyone who contributed to that disussion.  Look for your words in the poem!)

Since I am an "accidental poet", at best, I'd rather use the lovely poetic 
language of the list than attempt to do anything on my own. . . reminds me of 
open space, where we simply remind folks of what's already there.

Credible Incredible

Interesting that OS is seen as new.
We build on the work of pioneers,
Inventors who went before us.
Similar ideas, 
Rising into consciousness,
In several places 
At the same time.

Past events,
Bland exercises
In cautious rationalism,
Or emotionalism.
Unless an event is collectively daring, 
It cannot avoid the superficial,
Becomes merely another charming celebration
Of impotence.
At least, that is the story.

Have you ever heard of Open Space Technology?

Very big courage,
A dance between responsibility 
And letting go,
Rich and dynamic dialogue,
Sense of the new,
Familiar ring of the old,
Embodied in every event.

Learning more,
Doing less,
(as little as we can decently get away with),
Letting others do more
Of what they want and need,
The moose finally out from under the table.
Clients create their own future.

There are no villians
Simply good people, doing their best.
We are on the edge of community,
Space opening and closing like breath.
Do not worry
About an organization that has let Open Space Technology
Come into its life . . . 
Freedom and responsibility;
A heady brew, 
Necessary for meaningful human life.
We do not create anything new.
What is already there, experienced consciously,
A beautiful emergent ritual. 


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