We extend heartfelt gratitude to those who have joined us in working with
“opening and holding space” for a new reality on this planet. Please pass
this invitation on to others. We envision millions of people joining us in
the  “holding of this space” as one of the greatest opportunities for those
who are committed to facilitating change that is life nurturing.

For those of you familiar with facilitating a meeting using Open Space
Technology, simply think of this as the biggest Open Space Technology
meeting ever facilitated.

We believe that reality can be shifted if the desire is there to do so and
that together we can influence the future of this planet to be life
nurturing for all those involved. We believe that we are all connected
through a higher consciousness, the mechanics of which involve communicating
through energy. Together, we can establish a frequency, thereby creating a
new matrix of energy, a frequency of harmony. We believe that this frequency
of harmony will call others to reaching towards this resonance even without
being physically present with any of us who are “holding the space”. The
space that we “hold” is not empty—it is full of electrical waves. We believe
that we can achieve electrical waves nurturing  balance, a rhythmic balanced
interchange, a beautiful harmonic frequency, experienced as both love and

If you wish to co-create this with us, please e-mail birg...@mindspring.com
<mailto:birg...@mindspring.com>  to notify us that you are making a
commitment to do so for your lifetime and that you would like your name to
be put on our evolving list.. We extend this invitation out at this time
because tomorrow, March 21 of 2002, we will be gathering outside here in
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA at the circle of stones created here amongst
the trees, symbolizing the opening and holding of space for a harmony where
opportunities are chosen as though creation is precious and our Creator

 If you join us in the “holding of space” you are joining a number of other
facilitators in a co-facilitation that includes hundreds of people from a
number of countries who began joining us when we started Project Harmony on
September 21st, 2001. A group of about 20 people representing 5 countries
were physically present with us in the trees by our home in Raleigh, North
Carolina, USA on that September morning when at 7am EST we co “opened the
space” along with the hundreds of others who were doing the same in their
own geographic location and joining us by communicating through a higher
consciousness. People write to us on a regular basis, when they find out
about Project Harmony, asking for their names to also be added.

For those of you familiar with Open Space Technology, we are following the
simplest form of the facilitation. Topics are not posted in any physical
location but merely happen as life in the great Open Space happens. We
anticipate an increasing number of those topics to be about love, harmony,
and peace. There are no reports written unless someone chooses to write one
and send it in to us, or put it out into the world as an article or book or
video and so on. As facilitators, we don’t worry about morning and evening
news, how new topics will get posted, or about a closing circle. We each
know we will facilitate for a lifetime and that we each have each other to
“hold this space”. For those of you not familiar with Open Space Technology
but who resonate with a desire to “hold a frequency for love, peace, and
harmony” please join us.

We experience Project Harmony as mentoring work  and post it as a topic for
consideration at the second annual International Alliance for Mentoring
conference (IAM). The conference is Sept 28/29, 2002 in Raleigh, North
Carolina and the meeting format is Open Space Technology. For information
contact Judi Richardson at ju...@accesswave.ca <mailto:ju...@accesswave.ca>

We would love to receive your stories of your mentoring work, your work with
harmony, and your work to foster health and balance in organizations.

Birgitt  and Ward Williams
Mentoring for Organizational Effectiveness

visit us at www.genuinecontact.com <http://www.genuinecontact.com/>  and
join the list serve at http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/genuinecontact

"I believe that Spirit matters and people are precious. I know that
organizations incorporating these values have exciting, tangible results
including wealth, prosperity, and abundance. Daily, these organizations
attend to their health and balance. Participating in the Genuine Contact
program takes you on a learning journey of HOW to achieve the healthy and
balanced organization (the consciuous Open Space Organization).”  Birgitt
Williams, Dalar International Consultancy

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