In a message dated 4/4/02 8:12:44 AM, writes:

<< I view story-telling as a method to bring the whole person in the room.

incorporated  it as part of opening or check-in process in more structured

events >>

Last week, in a workshop setting, we asked participants to introduce
themselves by telling a little about their name, family, something others did
not know about them.  We were amazed at what came out--the whole person was
surely in the room.  And it will set the stage to talk about organizational
storytelling later.

As far as the question about timing of storytelling, I support Agneta's idea
that the evening feeling is very conducive to storytelling, and the night
gives a chance for the stories to soak in before the group goes back to work.
 One event we participated in had a very effective evening--one man sang and
played his guitar, in a quiet and reflective mode, and invited anyone who
wished to share stories in between the songs.  It just worked very well, and
quickly spiraled down to a deeper, quieter level.

Joelle Everett

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