Hi Julie -- I guess the grading will be compulsory -- not only for our
education system, parents expect them, employers expect them, and kids
expect them!  My first question is as to your listed evaluation -- to
satisfy your supervisor, will you use something like a checklist for the
demonstrated skill -- I've used video -- and video taped kids from grade 4
to 12 roleplaying peer mediation -- they love being moviestars.  As to your
grade assignments, do they have to match curriculum outcomes or something
like that?

Before we use OST, we role-play a mediation and show a few videos, and
provide some reading.  This assists the participants in getting into the
issues -- not just the actual mediation.  Kids love OST and they get into
great issues around the school culture, how they are supported in peer
mediation, where confidential files are kept, how often the "get out of
class" <grin>.

Hope those little items help a bit.  Sounds like great fun!
----- Original Message -----
From: Julie Smith <jsm...@mosquitonet.com>
To: <osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: Opening space, transfer-in, small spaces

> (I wrote this before reading Laurel's post this morning (thank you,
> Laurel)..... and now wondering if I'm waaaay off base (mostly with the
> ideas about grading), but just want to throw this out there to help me
> along with my thinking about OST in the high school classroom.  I guess
> what I'm looking for is those stomach lurches any of you might have that
> will help me prevent snafus..... or if any of this resonates, that would
> be helpful to know, too.)
> Greetings ~
> I'm still thinking about how I might use OST to teach mediation to high
> school students in a regular classroom setting.  Here's what I'm
> thinking today.  I'm interested in any thoughts or ideas any of you may
> have.
> Theme:  Peer Mediation
> *** *** ***
> Givens:
> Class structure: OST.  4 Principles.  1 Law.  Opening each day.  Topics
> can be carried over, revised, and newly created as needed.  Marketplace
> contains entire timeline for the course.  Proceedings from prior class
> provided at beginning of each class period.
> Student's Role: Learn what peer mediation is and practice mediation
> skills.
> Instructor's Role: Support students in learning about peer mediation.
> Resources: Textbook, daily proceedings, other resources as requested
> (when available).
> School Rules: Still apply.
> *** *** ***
> Grading:
> For a D Grade:  Define mediation.  Identify and describe steps of
> mediation process.  Describe your most important learning from this
> class, what you liked most about this class, and what changes could be
> made to improve this class.
> For a C Grade:  Demonstrate ability to listen using the three skills of
> attending, summarizing, and asking clarifying questions. Complete
> self-assessment of listening skills and debrief with instructor.
> Describe your thoughts about when mediation might be helpful and also
> when mediation might not be helpful and explain your reasoning.
> Successfully complete requirements for D Grade.
> For a B Grade:  Demonstrate ability to use communication skills and work
> through mediation process in a role-play situation. Complete
> self-assessment of mediation role-play and debrief with instructor.
> Successfully complete requirements for C Grade.
> For an A Grade:  Demonstrate ability to use communication skills and
> work through mediation process in a real-life situation. Complete
> self-assessment of mediation and debrief with instructor.  (Permission
> of instructor required.  Must first successfully complete requirements
> for B Grade.)
> Alternative Grading Structure: Requests for alternative methods of
> grading will be considered.
> *** *** ***
> Julie
> *
> *
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