
Thank you for daring to challenge one of the orthodoxies of Open Space

Here's how I (currently) see it:

Open Space Technology is a 'tool' of co-creation.

Co-creation means, among other things, 'we're all in this together'.

So I guess this means that the facilitator is an equal player in the
co-creation process, not some external agent.

Co-creation is not about delivering messages. Why? Because delivering
messages is an aspect of the old world of command and control, the world of
telling and selling.

Maybe the facilitator stays out of the way unless feeling *deeply moved* to
participate - unless her or his non-participation does a disservice to the
group (for example, by witholding vital information or insights).

Service or disservice ... who can say? Only us, right there in the moment.

How about some more orthodoxy challenges? Here are a few for starters:

* Participation must be voluntary

* People start off sitting in a circle

* The facilitator must walk the circle, and in a solemn manner

* Always display the four principles and one law on the walls - oh, and be
sure to include a few pictures of butterflies and bees, or the magic won't

* Post the session reports on the wall

Thanks again Douglas. It's high time we challenged these basic assumptions.


Martin Leith, Now-to-New Catalyst
17 Bedford Street, Brighton BN2 1AN, United Kingdom
Phone 01273 675322 (+44 1273 675322)  Mobile 07808 773713 (+44 7808 773713)

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