Peggy, this is SO beautiful and especially in view of the fact that I just 
finished watching a home video of a man who passed last October whom I knew 
well.  One of his habits was to sit where squirrels were and be so still that 
they would eventually crawl all over him (I witnessed this).  Just before his 
death, he went on a vision quest with the Blackfoot Indians.  At his funeral, 
in the very front of the altar, was a big picture of his ultimate 
accomplishment.  Standing so still with his hand outreached that a dove had 
landed in his hand.  And so, too, the butterflies who hover around us waiting 
for the outreached hand.

Toni Sar'h
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Peggy Holman 
  Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 1:11 PM
  Subject: Butterflies

  This weekend was the quarterly gathering of Spirited Work, an open space 
learning community that meets 4 times a year using an archetype from Angeles 
Arrien's Four Fold Way as the focus for each season.  (This was the season of 
the visionary.)

  While there I uncovered an aspect of butterflies that was new to me and want 
to reflect on with you.

  First, a little background.  The way I have always seen butterflies relates 
to the description of predicting weather patterns, that is, a butterfly 
flapping its wings in one part of the world creates storms in another.  In 
other words, small actions can have large consequences.  In OS terms, a 
conversation in the hallway with someone who doesn't seem to be in breakout 
sessions very often can lead to great insights.  Those insights are taken into 
the breakout rooms by the people the butterflies touch and spread, having broad 
impact.  I still believe this to be the case.  

  The additional perspective on butterflies comes from several conversations 
that took place with people, who for reasons of race or temperment see 
themselves as outsiders.  These were folks who didn't post in the marketplace 
either because they didn't yet feel safe (e.g., what if my views are so foreign 
that I get rejected or my ideas are rejected?) or they couldn't yet formulate 
what they were trying to say well enough to post it (e.g., I have this 
uncomfortable feeling but don't quite know how to express it.)  In these cases, 
the butterflies found a person or people who spent time with them, listening, 
talking.  In neither case did it lead to a posting in the marketplace.  In both 
cases their experiences are now in the field and since Spirited Work has the 
luxury of continued gatherings, my hope is that at some point the perspectives 
they bring will move from the margins into the consciousness of the whole.  

  Because OS has always felt so welcoming to me, it was hard for me to 
understand the very different experience these folks had.  I see these 
butterflies as beautiful and wary of their surroundings.  What they bring are 
gifts of increased awareness of who we are collectively that by being still 
enough to invite one to land nearby I can touch.


  Peggy Holman
  The Open Circle Company
  15347 SE 49th Place
  Bellevue, WA  98006

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