Sorry, I'm not Doug,

I'm Elena

but Julie, can I ask you a question?

I'm thinking about providing a special course in the Novosibirsk State
University on "Democratic ways of managing things" and I do want to make an
OS for the students of the 5th year (the last one, when they write the
diploma work, but do have some special courses on their choise)

So I was thinking on proposing them to 'do it' - I mean OS, but I'm thinking
of the way I could propose the topic. I was thinking about proposing them
"The way we better prepare for our future jobs: what could be your ideal
educational process?" - something like that (in Russian of course).

But ofcourse there is the other way - to ask them, but it will take more
time to figure out the topic, but I have 3 hours for everything - for
presenting the course (what I can do later, but still I need some
introductory words), or I can do it in the other 3 hours - in a week, but I
really think of involving them 'very quick' in the other way of 'learning'.
How you did come to 'respect'?

It is not high shool already, and I've read a lot of using OST in
educational process, but every time you start thinking about new auditorium,
you (I) have some concerns and look for advices. You know.

Also I did say to our collegues from Head Quarters of our Rotary District
5010, that there is a great (and peace(ful) ) OS community in FairBanks. Can
I give them your adress?

Thank you very much for sharing the nice word about CoLiberation!

Best wishes


----- Original Message -----
From: "Julie Smith" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 1:17 AM
Subject: Re: The magic that happens...

> Doug,
> Thanks so much for sharing the web site of the Guru of Glee.  You and I
> seem to be in sync again.  Just before checking my e-mail this morning I
> was happily reading Silver Bullets, a games book written by Project
> Adventure folks.  I especially loved the new term I learned at the
> deepfun website:  CoLiberation.  "You want for me what I want for me.
> Your courage encourages me.  Your happiness delights me.  Your health
> heals me."   Ahhhhhh......
> As I learn how to be and learn with groups of people, the two most
> fascinating tools I'm working with are OST and games/fun/play.  Both are
> liberating and joyful means to connect.  When we held our Becoming A
> Peacemaker conference in Fairbanks last April, we also invited Peace
> Games people to help us learn more about playing games as a means for
> deep learning about ourselves and each other. Many in our school
> district are developing a passion for fun and games these days.
> A few months ago, someone here wrote something about how we often enter
> a trance state that slows us down and dulls us.  Perhaps it's simply
> that both OST and fun liberate us from the trance and help us be more
> fully aware and alive to who we are.
> Now that I'm writing, I can't resist telling this story....
> On Friday I spent some time with two high school classes, introducing
> them to the idea of OST.  I wanted to invite them to think about
> sponsoring an OST in their school on September 11.  The second class I
> spoke with wanted to go along with the idea, but couldn't really connect
> with what I was trying to describe.  One of the students asked if we
> could just do it.  How could any student of Harrison ignore such a
> question?  So we just did it.  We were already seated in a circle.  We
> spent a few minutes defining a theme, and came up with "respect."  We
> did what might have been the shortest opening in the history of open
> space (less than 3 minutes, I think), then spent a few minutes posting
> three topics, and then 10 minutes in their sessions. I think we spent
> less than 1/2 hour completing the entire experience. When we came back
> to the full group to debrief and talk about what happened, I saw
> sparkling eyes, smiles, enthusiasm, and self-assurance.  YES, they said,
> we could sponsor an event like this, and YES, we want to.  And..... two
> of the quietest students in the class became active and vocal advocates
> of the process.  In the small sessions they gained courage to speak
> their truth, and then translated that courage to speak their truth with
> the large group.  It was a heartwarming experience.
> If all goes well, the mediation classes from these two high schools will
> be sponsoring OST events in their schools on September 10 and 11.  I
> don't know yet what their themes will be, or who they will invite, but
> it is a joy to me to part of this creative enterprise.  When I look into
> their eyes and see life and energy bursting out, and when I listen and
> hear laughter, then I know that whatever has happened to get us here is
> very good.
> Julie
> *
> *
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