FW: Sept. 11th a Memorial AffirmationThanks Anne and others,

I sent one to major newspapers and politicians -- give no one authority to kill 
on my behalf..... similar to children of Northern Ireland who sent similar 
thoughts last November to their government.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Anne Stadler 
  To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu 
  Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 11:01 PM
  Subject: FW: Sept. 11th a Memorial Affirmation

  Here is the affirmation I am making re. Sept. 11th.  If you wish to join me,  
please communicate your views publicly in whatever way you choose.  I have sent 
this letter to several newspapers, and to my Congress people and to you.

  Blessings, Anne

  Sept. 11th, Memorial Affirmation:

  On Sept. 11th, 2001, the terrorists chose death.  The rescuers and many of us 
who rushed to help chose love and life.  A fitting memorial to those who died 
on 9/11 would be for each of us to make the choice the rescuers did.

  Here is how I want to honor those who died:  I say:  Enough war.  Enough 
killing.  I give my gifts to creating a world without war. I accept my 
responsibility for the well-being of the human family and the larger living 

  I want my government leaders to use our treasure on behalf of life.  I say to 
them: Don't make the same choice the terrorists did.  Stop making war.  Bend 
every effort to provide safety through building a just, sustainable and 
peaceful global society.
  I would rather accept the risks of change in this direction-just as they did 
who rushed in to rescue people on Sept. 11, 2001.

  Sincerely yours, 

  Anne M. Stadler
  18468-47th Place NE
  Seattle WA 98155


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