Re: OST vs ODRalph...............I'm with you on the OS-OD mish- 
mash..............Use what you need when you can.Amen.
Grace T.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ralph Copleman 
  Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 12:10 AM
  Subject: Re: OST vs OD

  Meg and all,

  I'm quite surprised by some of the reactions to this "provocative" question.

  Maybe I'm out of the mainstream (very probably true) of both OS and OD 
practice, but my sense of things is that OD has, in fact, accepted OS as part 
of its interventional cabinet.  Not everybody does it, but not everybody does 
anything is the widely differentiated OD world.  It seems to me that when I 
mention OS to my colleagues, they all know about it and many acknowledge their 
own use of it.  Just about all indicate respect for its contribution.  Almost 
no one criticizes it (to me, which may be a factor, since they know I use it a 

  I'm not a big defender of the OD field any more, not since I concluded it 
gave up its mission of democratizing and humanizing organizations and replaced 
it with near-blind willingness to help execs manipulate people for the 
exclusive sake of the financial bottom line.  But I'm not certain its wise for 
we OS folks to tell ourselves that "OD" people don't use OS strictly out of 
monetary considerations.

  I have not been to an ODN big event in years.  They're way too large for me, 
but If the ODN used OS at its annual conferences, I might actually go again.  
The fact that the national conference is not conducted in OS, however, is not 
for me a measure of the field's acceptance of open space.  In the end, whether 
a certain group accepts it or not doesn't matter anyway.

  Ralph Copleman 

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