I will be facilitating in Open Space as part of a workshop next month
which is open to the public.  It is developed by the YouthBuild* Academy
for Transformation:

Diversity Leadership:
Healing and Dealing

November 20 - 22, 2002
Houston, Texas, USA

The following is text from their website:
"Diversity issues are ever present, sometimes volatile, and often
corrosive, yet they offer great opportunities to create deeper learning,
understanding, and unity. To be effective, this work requires that we
learn ways to heal from the hurts of oppression at the same time that we
strive to deal more powerfully with the external conditions that cause
This training will be facilitated by skilled diversity leaders from the
YouthBuild USA Diversity Working Group and Open Space Technology
facilitator Lisa Heft. This intensive, participatory three-day
experience will provide a framework for developing diversity policies
and procedures in our organizations, a grounding in oppression and
liberation theory, a celebration of cultures, and ongoing support
mechanisms for practicing diversity leadership back home. It will
utilize role-plays, support groups, cultural creativity, and music.
Approximately 25 percent of participants will be young people."
- - -
Day 2 will be held in Open Space.  It is interesting also to see on the
website how the workshop team has interpreted the process of OST and the
idea of holding space.  You might see mention of conveners, for examples
as facilitators of discussion to keep it on track - I will be
contradicting this a little when I lead the Open Space by saying the
conveners are not responsible for facilitating (the small group will
find its own way) and the Be Prepared to Be Surprised guideline reminds
folks that when the conversation ventures 'off track' that is indeed
where the energy lies and where the best jewels will be found.  The
great part is that we get to teach and learn from each other in this
pilot program they've been developing.  A very exciting opportunity for
all of us, and for me, one of the best diversity awareness training
curriculums / approaches I've seen.

If you know anyone who is in the Houston area next month, I thank you in
advance for sharing this information with them.  Some scholarships are
available to help with the costs of registration and accommodation.

For more information on the workshop, please feel free to visit their


Maybe I'll see some of you there.!

Take care,


*YouthBuild's mission:
To create and sustain a broad-based national movement in support of
policies and programs which enable young people to assume leadership in
order to rebuild their communities and lead responsible lives.

L i s a   H e f t
Consultant, facilitator, educator
O p e n i n g  S p a c e
2325 Oregon
Berkeley, California
94705-1106   USA
(+01) 510 548-8449

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