Congratulations!   And joy to all who participated in bringing this new life 
into this student.  May it be so overpowerfully wonderful that it will catch 
fire across the nation and into the world.

Blessings and much love,
Toni Sar'h
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Julie Smith 
  Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 4:17 PM
  Subject: wave of wonderful

  These past few weeks so many wonderful OST-related things have been 
happening... I want to share just one more, the one from today... this 
especially goes out to Judi, Chris, Michael, Dan, Heidi, Krista, Mia, Curt, and 
all those who attended the Becoming A Peacemaker Conference in April...


  Today I spent a few moments speaking with a student who attended our April 
conference, and who stood out for many of us as a single shining example of why 
we do what we do.  (During the closing circle on the second day of the 
conference she told the story of how the first day had changed her and changed 
her family... how the day talking about peacemaking had helped her see things 
differently and how the new seeing helped her reach out to her mother in a new 
and more loving way and how her mother had responded in kind...)  When I saw 
her today she was beaming.  Health and happiness oozed from every part of her.  
 She told me she's working on creating a new class in her high school called 
Peacemaking.  She's almost finished the curriculum, and has identified a 
teacher who will support her by being the teacher-of-record without taking over 
the class.  The class will be student-led and dialogue-driven.  


  My heart is doing cartwheels.



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