
Open space in your heart
Drill down
Past all  fears
Let them  go
Arrive in virgin open space
Where you become brand new
once again
 and greet yourself as if for the first time.
Audrey Coward
----- Original Message -----
From: "Laurel and Rick" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 12:26 PM
Subject: Poetry contest

> Hello everyone,
> I'd like to announce the better-late-than-not-at-all OS poetry contest.
> In the tradition of OS poetry contests, I'll complicate things a little by
> introducing some parameters (well, actually, only one).  To honour the
> annual OSonOS, let's have each poem be 10 lines long, otherwise structured
> anyway you choose.
> Please have your entries to me by November 5th (10 days from today).  I'll
> collate the entries and send them out to the list for votes.  Brian and
> will, hopefully, place them in a conspicuous spot at the OSonOSinOZ.  I'll
> give everyone on the list and in OZ until November 9th at noon, Pacific
> Standard Time, to send me their votes for best poem (early Nov 10th in OZ,
> believe - am I right, Brian, Viv or Alan?????).  If I've got my timing
> right, this should allow us to announce the new OS poet laureate in
> Melbourne on November 10th.  (Plus, selfishly, it allows me to participate
> in OSonOSinOZ while sitting in my home office in Victoria!)
> So, all you creative, poetic folks, sharpen your pencils - let the poetry
> contest begin!!!!
> Hugs,
> Laurel
> the accidental poet laureate
> *
> *
> ==========================================================
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