At 02:01 PM 1/7/2003 +1100, you wrote:

Dear Open Space Community<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Since videoing the OSonOSinOZ last November I have evolved a bold idea
which, with encouragement from many people, I now have the confidence to
present to you.

David -- Marvelous idea. I happily commit to $200 and suggest that (at
least for US folks) that the money be given through the Open Space
Institute (US). OSI(US) is an actual organization with non-profit (tax
free) status. Therefore I believe that the contribution could be tax
deductible. But Peg Holman can confirm that. I am sure you will have more
than sufficient venues from which to choose. For example, Michael pannwitz
and I will be opening space for possibly 1500 folks in Wurzberg (Germany)
at the beginning of May. I would have to check with the sponsor for
permission, but I am reasonably sure they would agree. So let me know how
your plans shape up, and if appropriate, I will pursue approval in Wurzberg.

Good Luck.


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, MD 20854 USA
phone 301-365-2093
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Open Space Institute
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