A story and recommendation…
In 1995, in Canada, one of the 10 provinces had a referendum vote to
determine whether or not it wanted to leave the Country and be an
independent entity. The vote was 50.5 % in favor of remaining in Canada and
49.5% in favor of leaving the country. A very close vote. There were many
angry and grief stricken feelings throughout the country. The country in
general is one of the most peaceful nations on earth but there has been a
history regarding relationships with this one province that has included
violence and bad feelings that go a long way back. There is a different
language and culture in this one province than in the rest of Canada. Our
colleague Eleanor Belfry-Lytle called a meeting immediately after the vote,
while the country was feeling torn apart, to determine if there was any
interest on the part of any of us in the Toronto, Ontario area to use our
skills with Large Group/Whole Systems meetings to do something to assist the
Country to move to a better future. The initial ideas included one large and
highly publicized event in the capitol city. I remember suggesting, after a
talk with Harrison, that we invite all Large Group/Whole Systems
facilitators across the country to join us in offering a day (and the day we
picked was Feb 19th of 1996) to host a meeting called “For the Love of
Canada” and that the meeting format in each venue, if possible, be Open
Space Technology. Eleanor, Larry Peterson and myself were the primary
workers behind the scenes,  getting information out, getting press releases
to get media coverage, participating in media events about the project, and
so on. We had no budget, each of us giving what we could as a love offering.

As I sat in my office of those days, a windowless tiny space in our home
that I shared with four lively children and their friends, I remembered
laughing as I spent endless days in faxing, mailing, e-mailing and in
telephone conversations. The reason for my laughter was thinking, if these
people could only see where this was all taking place from to create a
better future for the country, they would be in disbelief (Larry and Eleanor
were in fairly similar situations of less than ideal conditions) and I
laughed also because I enjoyed our confidence that we could make a
difference. Each Larry, Eleanor, and myself also organized our own events in
our local area too. For me, I had the opportunity of being invited to have
events in four close municipalities and had them on the dates leading up to
Feb 19th. While all the planning was going on, the Mayor of my own
municipality called and spoke of his displeasure that he was hearing about
our event from others and why had I not contacted him to make sure our town
had an event—and after that call, we did organize a meeting for the 19th
itself to which he assured me all of town council would attend and they did.

It was key that we did not ask anyone for permission to do this, but
followed what had heart and meaning for ourselves.

The hundreds of  events on and around the 19th of February focusing on “For
the Love of Canada” were profound. Individuals responded to our invitation
and meetings were held and facilitated, some large, some small. I can’t
remember the media events that Larry and Eleanor did, but I do know that I
had the opportunity to get word out through interviews in newspapers, tv and
on national radio. Many many people had good ideas AND immediately put some
of them into action to bring about healing. Those of us who were involved
cannot tell you exactly what this event achieved, but we know that several
groups were formed for relationship building and healing that continue

About a week after the Feb 19th  Larry and I co-facilitated an equivalent to
an OST meeting on line in a chat room for the national news magazine. The
meeting duration was three hours. At the end, we talked with the editor and
he said that in all his years he had never experienced such a positive
solution focused dialogue across the country as that which we facilitated.

The investment of our time to do this project was about a month of solid
work each (with lost revenue opportunity due to unavailability to take on
other contracts during that time). The cost for each of us was about $500.
The experience and the outcome: priceless.

The story and what I recommend to you  may or may not be helpful to you in
your thinking so please accept it as a perspective that I offer as a
possible way for you to achieve what you want to do, although not in the way
you wanted to do it. My understanding is that you want to provide input to
the Democratic party to influence its future.

My knowledge is that any means of simply creating a one way information flow
of ideas and the inevitable push of complaints, does not bring about change,
any more than does brainstorming and other think tank approaches to
problems. I have met with many many city, county, province planners and they
all have the same challenges. Even when they are willing to receive all of
that data, cull through it to get what is valuable, come up with new policy
papers/plans and so on, the net result is that when they present their work
to the public, it is generally what the planners call “ a blood bath” of
complaints and dissatisfaction.

There are a number of books including (I recommend) the Change Handbook
edited by Peggy Holman and Tom Devane, Berrett-Koehler publishers, 1999 that
speak to the process of bringing about change, what is needed, and what
methods exist to bring change about. A common ingredient is to get a
critical mass to “buy in” to the new, to the ideas while simultaneously
stirring the passions to be involved in the new and simultaneously creating
opportunities for that involvement. OST is at the top of my list when it
comes to achieving this and served us and the country well in our For the
Love of Canada. No one need remember who and how the outcomes were achieved,
or the influence that we had. And that is part of being totally present and
totally invisible in facilitating a large mass of people, a whole country.


-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST []On Behalf Of Harrison
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: Help with Idea / Democratic Party - Internet - New Technology

At 07:28 AM 1/10/2003 -0500, you wrote:

1. Write an  "Open Letter to the Democratic Party", the gist being
that, considering outcomes of the past two elections, the Democratic
National Committee should ask Democratic voters and the American
people: "What should we do now?"

Not a doubt about it. The Democratic Party, of which I have been a life long
member, could certainly use some help. And the thoughts that you are
noodling would make a real contribution. However, I wouldn't hold my breath
waiting for acceptance. That said, it is always worth a try. Some years ago,
inspired by a wonderful happening in Canada (and Birgitt was a central
actress), I proposed using Open Space (computer based and face to face) to
create what I called a "Civil Conversation." I think there was a discussion
about all this sometime back -- which might still be in the archives. More
recently, I have been a part of a conversation to help the Governor of
Georgia (The US State) repair his education system -- with Open Space as a
Key component. There is no indication that anything will happen with all
this -- but you might find some of the language useful.  Our brief proposal
follows (actually less than a proposal, and more of a conversation opener).
        The renewal of the education system of Georgia (as indeed any human
system) requires not only innovative approaches, but also a deep knowledge
of the nature of the system and its context (external stakeholders and
forces). Such knowledge permits the choice and tailoring of approaches to
assure an appropriate “fit,” thereby minimizing negative unintended
consequences (fix one problem and create 20 new ones). Such knowledge also
allows for the preparation of the system to receive and effectively utilize
the innovations. Among other things, this preparation will enhance buy-in
from those who constitute the system and must implement the system changes.
        Standard approaches towards meeting the requirements indicated above
include massive data collection combined with system modeling. Under ideal
circumstances, data from all aspects of the system is combined to form a
fully accurate map (model) of the system. Unfortunately, time, budget, and
in some cases ability, all conspire to limit the collection of data,
effective analysis, and accurate modeling. The net result is a compromised
        In order to save on the costs of data collection and system
modeling, an Expert Panel is frequently appointed on the presumption that
their experience and knowledge can make up the deficit. Doubtless, such an
approach is better than nothing, but not without its costs. A finite group
of people can never know the full richness of a large system, and their
presuppositions and biases (which everybody has) inevitably limit and/or
skew their understanding of problems and potential solutions. Further, any
solutions that may be devised must then be offered to the population of the
State for implementation. Unfortunately, it is a common experience that
movement from the proclamation of an outstanding solution to implementation
is often barred at the point of execution by the infamous NIH – Not Invented
Here! In short, there was no buy-in.

Further Considerations

        One of the central insights from the world of Systems Thinking is
that “a system is its own best model.” This simple statement of the obvious
is a reminder that complex systems boggle the mind when it comes to
identifying and understanding the constituent elements and their
interactions. Thus, if you desire a “perfect” model of the system, the
system must be its own model.
        Another insight, coming from the work of those who assist in the
process of large systems change, is that buy-in, in terms of identified
solutions, is enhanced when those who must implement the solutions are
essentially the same individuals as the ones who created the solutions.
Therefore the more people substantially involved in the change process, the
higher the likelihood of success. Or, as it is sometimes said, “Get the
whole system in the room.”
        In this present context, The Whole System would potentially include
every person in the State of Georgia, and doubtless many others who reside
beyond the State. At the very least, the target group would include all
those who care about the education of children in Georgia. Obviously there
is no single room large enough for the millions who might choose to be
involved, nor would it be desirable to simply “shut down” the State in order
to free them all for a meeting. But there is a way.

A Different Way

        Utilizing a combination of Open Space Technology and widely
available computer technology (Internet), it is technically possible to
involve the entire State of Georgia in the process of the enhancement of
education for the people.
        Open Space Technology is a simple approach to large group
interventions which has been in existence for almost 20 years. To date it
has been utilized in 70+ countries approximately 30,000 times with groups
ranging is size from 5-1500. Participating groups have included governmental
agencies, Native Americans, Israelis and Palestinians, and AT&T executives.
Focal Themes for the gatherings were The Future of American Forests,
Building Roads on Tribal Lands, Peace in the Middle East, and design of the
AT&T Pavilion for the ‘96 Olympics. Organizing time for such events is
minimal, and given the basic logistics (a place to meet, and the presence of
the people), 24 hours is sufficient. Costs are also minimal primarily
because the services of only single facilitator are required, regardless of
the size of the group. In situations where space is donated (a High School
Gymnasium, for example), people bring their own food (“Brown bag it”), and
the facilitator comes from the group, the cost is essentially zero. The
results of an Open Space are basically guaranteed to be the following: 1)
Every issue of concern to anybody will be on the table. 2) All issues will
be discussed to the extent that anybody cares to do so. 3) Written reports
of all discussions are prepared, and available to all participants prior to
departure. 4) All issues will be prioritized. 5) Related issues are
converged. 6) Action plans for high priority issues are developed, and
responsibility is assumed for execution.
        With the addition of “The Electronic Environment” it becomes
possible to link multiple Open Space gatherings both in time and space.
Simply put, reports generated in any Open Space are instantly made available
to all other Open Spaces, regardless of when or where they may occur. It is
also possible to allow for real time interactions between all participants
and gatherings, essentially creating a “meta open space.” The basic
technology for doing all of this is essentially available to any 12 year
old, although some additional “Bells and Whistles” can markedly enhance the
        A most valuable bell or whistle is Data Mining. As reports are
generated and consolidated in a common data base it becomes possible to
search for emerging themes and solutions. In essence, the system models
itself. Further, since the authors and participants behind all reports are
part of the record, the basic outlines of emerging networks and coalitions
are revealed. Effective utilization of such networks and coalitions in the
implementation of potential solutions can be a powerful tool.


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, MD 20854 USA
phone 301-365-2093
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