Open Space on ìOpen Space on Open Spaceî 2003 (OSonOSonOS)

Dear friends and collegues,

As you have probably heard, the yearly World Wide Open Space on Open Space
will this year take place in Svenmark, or to be more exact close to Odense,
Denmark. The dates are August 23rd-26th. We expect to gather up to 150
experienced OST pacificators from all over the world !!

We have found a wonderful place at Bramstrup (see: In fact, the concept for the building we will use
in the plenary sessions was made in Open Space, and discussed again during
OSonOS in Berlin, 2001.

While we have chosen the place, set the dates and are preparing the
registration procedure, we have decided to invite you to the yearly
Scandinavian OSonOS where the theme will be ìIssues and Opportunities for
OsonOS 2003. The meeting will be a great chance to meet other colleges and
Exchange experiences about Open Space !

The first collegues have already registered for this premeeting, also from
outside of Scandinavia. Itís going to be a great meeting. Come and join us

Sunday April 27th, 12.00 (starting with lunch) until Monday, April 28th,

Bramstrup, a few miles outside of Odense - take exit 51 from the E20 or the
taxi from Odense station.

Dkr. 900 including all meals and facilities when sleeping on a mattrass on
the floor, Dkr. 1500 for sleeping in a four star hotel . (in euros/$$ that
boils down to about 140 and 210)

Mail either of us. Registration is definite upon receipt of your payment to
NORDEA Bank, Algade 4 4000 Roskilde, Denmark, account nr. 2280-
327-56-83026 attention of Gerard Muller, Nordvej 6, 4000 Roskilde. Sleeping
places at Bramstrup are limited and will go to hoever reserves first. Weíd
like to know whoís coming latest April 12th.

If you want more information, contact either of us:

Gerard Muller                                              Thomas Herrmann
Open Space Institute Denmark                    Open Space Institute Sweden
Phone: (0045) 21269621                            Phone: (0046)707-989781

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