Dear Friends and Colleagues

        As this dreadful war continues, anger and frustration rise. And
worse, if worse is possible, the sense of powerlessness to affect events
seemingly now out of control -- increases. True, I cannot change the
misguided policies and actions of my president in the moment, but I firmly
believe we have the ability to mitigate the disastrous results in the
present, and lay the ground work for a more peaceful world in the future.
And with that ability comes the responsibility to try. Will we be
successful? Who knows, but the alternatives are too awful to contemplate.
        I have attempted to assemble the almost 20 year experience with
Open Space Technology as a basis for a practical approach to Peace, which I
have called  The Practice of Peace. Clearly this is not  THE answer, still
less the only answer, but after a minimum of 20,000 "Open Spaces" in some
75 countries around the world, we do have a collective experience which
says that destructive conflict can be dealt with creatively, and that
Peace, in the deepest sense of that word, can be a present experience,
should we choose to make it so. I invite you to make that choice and assay
the attempt.
        My colleagues in the Open Space Institutes around the world have
joined together in the publication of my latest book. All proceeds,
including whatever royalty I might have received, will go towards
supporting the development of the knowledge and practice of Open Space. The
details follow.


From the Open Space Institutes

It's here. Harrison Owen's most recent book is now available through the
Open Space Institutes around the world. Inspired by his Open Space work
with Israelis and Palestineans, Harrison reflects:

Peace is infinitely more than the cessation of hostilities. And Peacemaking
neither starts nor ends at the negotiating table, for the objective is not
just a set of treaty terms acceptable to all parties, but rather the
renewal of meaningful and productive life for the planet, nations,
organizations, and each one of us. The search for peace is critical and
universal, and there are approaches available to assist our search and they
work. It is called, The Practice of Peace.

All proceeds from the sale of this book will go to support the use and
practice of Open Space around the world. Harrison has waived all rights to
royalties, and others have donated their services. Only direct costs for
printing and distribution will be taken from the proceeds.

DISCOUNTS are available for large quantity orders or in the case of special
needs. If you need this book, and money is a problem, please let us know.

To Order in the USA

To order using a credit card (through the U.S.), you can purchase online at
You may also use a credit card by contacting Shannon Lee Alexander-Everett
at or 360-441-1218.

To buy by check in different places in the world, contact:

  Australia / Brian Bainbridge (AU$20, includes
shipping and handling)
  Austria / Eric Kolenaty
  Canada /  Raymonde Lemire ($25CDN,
$8CDN shipping)
       Order form available from the Open Space Institute of Canada at
  Denmark, Netherlands / Gerard Muller
  Germany / Michael M Pannwitz
  Haiti / John Engle (250 Haitian gourdes,
shipping 50 Haitian gourdes)
  Israel / Tova Averbuch
  Sweden / Thomas Herrmann
  Taiwan / Gail West
  United States / Peggy Holman or Shannon Lee Alexander-Everett ($20USD, plus $7.85 shipping)

To see more of the book, visit

Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, MD 20854 USA
phone 301-365-2093
Open Space Training
Open Space Institute
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