
As a person with an invisible disability, food allergies, I appreciate
attention to the fact that everyone does not eat the same things.  Since a
series of allergy treatments, I can eat small amounts of most anything, so
for a short event, I can just eat what is served.  But in a longer event, the
accumulating allergens make me tired and fuzzy-headed, headachy or bilious.

So, when I plan an event, I try to see that there is enough variety that
someone can pick and choose from the items on the table and still get a good
meal.  The very first Open Space event I ever attended was at a remote
conference center, no place to duck out and get supplementary food.  The food
was magnificent, everything made fresh in their own kitchen.  And their
registration form asked about special food needs.  At every meal, there was a
generous main dish that met all the special needs in the group--it was out on
the buffet with everything else, labelled as to content, and large enough
that anyone could have a helping, whether they had asked for special food or
not.  This felt like a very gracious way to be hospitable to everyone!

On the other hand, one OS I attended was at a resort that had little
experience with vegetarian meals, and several in the group were Hindu.  The
resort served them fruit plates for breakfast, vegetable sandwiches for lunch
and steamed vegetables for dinner, every day.  By Day 4, they were hungry!

The last OS that I facilitated, I was asked to provide ahead of time the
times for all the food service, and I realized that this could be an issue
for diabetics, those who need to eat more often than 3 meals a day, and those
on certain medications.  I just keep on learning!

Had not thought about bringing clipboards (thank you Lisa!) but I save the
cardboard backs from writing pads and offer them with paper and pens in the
opening, as I am not usually the only one in the room who prefers not to
kneel on the floor.

Almost all of us need special attention or accommodation at some time in our
lives, and for some it is a lifelong journey.  Just part of life!


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