# 6 Peace becoming

People came from all around our tiny planet

Floating so alone 

to collaborate on making 

a documentary film about 

things that matter to 

the life forms on our little globe


Floating so alone.


They set themselves a challenge

How may we show our human denizens   

in daily coexisting and cocreating?


In a way that captures the emotioning of 

the thrill of the chase

the pounding heart of the assailant

the cries of anguish and pain as the tanks roll in

stealth bombers on a deadly mission.


How do we display the passion underpinning 

a nod of agreement

a smile of recognition

a friendly debate

the bustle of the local market

sitting in the sun on a park bench conversing

with a stranger

people opening space for others to be beside them? 


The film makers found themselves perplexed

And were working on it.


That happened just a few days before the event 

which changed perceptions of peace forever

A happening seemingly more seminal

than 911 or any other.


When people spontaneously organised 

to stride out for peace.

in great rallies 

all over our mother earth


expressing powerfully and confidently

that the only true axes are those of hope.


Since that February day our world 

is asking different questions 

and the 'crisis of perception'

of all humanity 

is that is a second superpower

hitherto unknown and unrecognised is unfolding. 


Already seen to be the only one 

which will ultimately


is the voice of the people 

all around our lovely home.


Singing anything war can do

peace can do better. 


The film makers now have peace scripts

and screen plays

ad infinitum.


And while we earth dwellers

will forever be

Floating so alone 


The gift of being so connected 

removes the loneliness.

Audrey Coward

2281F Lakeshore Blvd W
Toronto, Ontario
audreycoward @bellnet.ca

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