Dear Adrienn,
ok, I will post our exchange to the oslistserve
(if you want to see possible responses you need to sign in, the
procedure is quite simple, take a look at the bottom of my mail).
Will your thesis be in English?
I would like to receive it (pay the expenses, of course)

Dear Mr. Michael Pannwitz,

Thank you for your answer.

I talked to Csaba Csaszar and his collegaues about Open Space and I
write my thesis with the help and support of them.

Thank you for your invitation, but unfortunately I can not take part
on this
training, because I have just started to work, and at the first time
I have
to be there every day.

You can post my questions to the OS list, because it would be
that what kind of answers will I get for it.
(I think, that everyone have a lot of different experiences and
about this.)

Thanks again,


>From: "Pannwitz, Michael M" <>
>Reply-To: "Pannwitz, Michael M" <>
>To: "Adrienn Sápi" <>
>CC: "Pannwitz, Michael M" <>
>Subject: Re: thesis on Open Space
>Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 18:57:21 +0100
>Dear Adrienn Sapi,
>happy to hear from presently at an open space with some 70
>African women and their families (loads of kids, too, just now
>playing soccer in the park just outside of my window).
>Before I say something to your questions let me point out that it
>might be helpful if you also talked to os-colleagues in Budapest,
>such as Csaba.
>Also, there is a European training on os-t in English in Weimar May
>25 through May 30th for colleagues that have the focus of their work
>with youths.
>Several people from Hungary have applied. It is free of charge and
>might be of some interest to you. If you want more info, let me know.
>To your questions:
> >- What kind of problems can be solved with this method?
>Complex, conflicting, urgent questions that no one person has a real
>answer to. The range is very wide.
>A difficulty with your question is the word "problem". In a systemic
>context, organisations and systems develope in the direction of the
>question that you pose in the organization or system. If someone asks
>you to help them with problem x, one response can be to ask what it
>is they want to achieve. Often, or almost always, a different angle
>developes out of this kind of questioning with the client focusing
>more on his ressources and challenges. And that then can become the
>focus of an open space event.
>If you look at the list of os-events that I have worked on and also
>have a look at the links in my collection of links, you will find
>that there is practically no field that open space has not been used
> >
> >- Has it any meaning to use when the management canºt give up the
> >and canºt provide safe space for the self-managing group? (when the
> >facilitator thinks or feels that it can happen)
>I gather that you are asking whether it makes any sense to use open
>space when management cant give up control.
>It does not make sense.
>As long as management can not leave the control mode the time is not
>right for them to use open space.
> >
> >-As I see the Open Space flow itself is more important than the theme
> >are discussing. I mean its a good thing that they have ideas that can be
> >implemented to the normal life of the company, but the more long term
> >is the participantsº personal learning flow during the process. What do
> >think of it?
>Well, the effects of open space on the short range are quite easy to
>see. I have not seen any study that supports your view.
>However, it is a thesis that I think needs testing.
>My experience is that participants in open space regularly achieve
>great progress in short time but that they themselves dont feel that
>they have done much of anything.
>Harrison Owen has observed this repeatedly and keeps asking why
>participants dont see or honor their own great success.
>Maybe, they feel it to be very natural what they are doing and
>achieving, and of course, it is very natural but still very special.
>What I also observe, in myself, and in others is that open space has
>a liberating and transforming effect which is much more on the level
>you are talking about than on achieving results that can be
> >-How can the facilitator help the work of the self-managed teams and to
> >sustain the energy level of the conference? Is it his/her responsibility?
>By getting out of the way and letting people do their thing.
>Recently, in Poland, energy seemed low in a particular phase of  the
>open space. I was not bothered by it, but one participant felt that I
>should do something about the low level of energy. Before I could say
>anything another participant said: Why do you want to close the space
>for low energy that we just opened for ourselves.
>I could not have said it in such straight and simple wordsl.
> >
> >I hope that you can find some time to answer me. Thank you for your help.
>Thanks for your questions.
>I would like to post our exchange on the oslistserve, I think there
>might be a number of colleagues around the world that would add their
>observations and questions.
>Let me know if you agree.
>Good luck with your thesis...will it be in English?

Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1
12209 Berlin, Germany
FON +49 - 30-772 8000     FAX +49 - 30-773 92 464

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