Dear All,
Interesting idea, especially in view of my experience and plans!
My perception of the Marysville experience was that people were remarkably
comfortable with being filmed remarkably early in the experience. Of course
there were two situations in which people were uncomfortable and of course I
tagged those shots as unusable.
Some comments, though,
1. Filming my way was deliberately a 'minimal impact' approach - ie one
person, one camera, no other crew. If there were crews involved in getting
the sound and shots to meet broadcast standards for live or semi-live T, I
would expect the psychological imapct to be significant.
2. There may be no easy way to ensure that sensitive material is not
broadcast. Indeed that's one of the strengths of live TV - you get to it,
warts and all. But that may be a serious inhibition for some people in an OS
3. On the other hand, if it's done professionally and sensitively it would
also make a fantastic archive.
Just some thoughts...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Automatic digest processor" <>
To: "Recipients of OSLIST digests" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 4:00 PM
Subject: OSLIST Digest - 8 Apr 2003 to 9 Apr 2003 (#2003-96)

> There are 10 messages totalling 868 lines in this issue.
> Topics of the day:
>   2. strategic planning
>   3. Open Space on television? (5)
>   4. OS and strategic planning (3)
> *
> *
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> Date:    Wed, 9 Apr 2003 14:08:59 +0800
> From:    BrendanMcKeague <>
> Thanks Laurel and Joelle - I love the feedback - I will commence my
> 'co-learning' in a few hours a bit wiser and with additional stories to
> the emphasis on the efficiency dimension of OS and Joelle's comments about
> 'Health care in the western world is a constant battle to put the unruly
> forces of nature under control' really make sense - need to understand
> their language and metaphors
> with peace
> Brendan
>  >
> At 10:16 AM 07-04-2003 -0700, you wrote:
> >Hi Brendan,
> >
> >Whenever I've done OST in healthcare, I've stressed in the opening that
> >method has been chosen because it is so very efficient, effective and
> >powerful - that it can accomplish the same in a couple of days that may
> >otherwise take months (or years) of committee work.
> *
> *
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> Date:    Wed, 9 Apr 2003 18:20:57 +1200
> From:    Pattillo <>
> Subject: strategic planning
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2FEC4.C4CA90D0
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> 10% implementation
> =20
> It seems to me that at the heart of strategic planning is that great =
> quote -
> "chance favours the prepared mind".  While I accept that the physical
> documentation of a plan is for some the most important thing, and =
> getting
> the strategic plan onto one page is important to others for me it is the
> least important of matters.  Perhaps it's my lack of completer/finisher =
> -
> who would now.
> =20
> Strategic planning is I think that rare opportunity for reflection and
> creation of our thoughts (plans) about how we would like to engage with =
> our
> future and with one another and the things we do.  Anyone who approaches
> strategic planning as a control of the unknown is I think a little mad.  =
> It
> is in this light that I think open space gives life to the heart of
> strategic planning.  It gives anyone who cares in the future of an =
> entity a
> chance to reflect and create the sense of how they would like to move
> forward.  Implementation is not it seems to me an appropriate measure of
> strategic planning or open space - awareness, readiness, agility,
> connectedness, sustainability are, I think, better yardsticks.
> =20
> In traditional strategic planning only a few people get to develop this
> awareness, using open spce in strategic planning means that any one who =
> care
> enough has a prepared mind for chance and the future.
> =20
> =20
> =20
> Anne Pattillo
> Anne Pattillo Consulting
> =20
> Phone 64 4 473 2702
> Fax 64 4 4732703
> =20
> *
> *
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> <html>
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> <body lang=3DEN-US link=3Dblue vlink=3Dpurple>
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> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
> font-family:Arial'>10% implementation</span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
> font-family:Arial'>&nbsp;</span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
> font-family:Arial'>It seems to me that at the heart of strategic =
> planning is
> that great quote &#8211; &#8220;chance favours the prepared =
> mind&#8221;.&nbsp; While
> I accept that the physical documentation of a plan is for some the most
> important thing, and getting the strategic plan onto one page is =
> important to
> others for me it is the least important of matters.&nbsp; Perhaps =
> it&#8217;s my
> lack of completer/finisher &#8211; who would now.</span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
> font-family:Arial'>&nbsp;</span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
> font-family:Arial'>Strategic planning is I think that rare opportunity =
> for
> reflection and creation of our thoughts (plans) about how we would like =
> to engage
> with our future and with one another and the things we do.&nbsp; Anyone =
> who
> approaches strategic planning as a control of the unknown is I think a =
> little
> mad.&nbsp; It is in this light that I think open space gives life to the =
> heart
> of strategic planning.&nbsp; It gives anyone who cares in the future of =
> an
> entity a chance to reflect and create the sense of how they would like =
> to move
> forward.&nbsp; Implementation is not it seems to me an appropriate =
> measure of
> strategic planning or open space &#8211; awareness, readiness, agility, =
> connectedness,
> sustainability are, I think, better yardsticks.</span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
> font-family:Arial'>&nbsp;</span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
> font-family:Arial'>In traditional strategic planning only a few people =
> get to
> develop this awareness, using open spce in strategic planning means that =
> any
> one who care enough has a prepared mind for chance and the =
> future.</span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
> font-family:Arial'>&nbsp;</span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
> font-family:Arial'>&nbsp;</span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=3DArial><span =
> style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;
> font-family:Arial'>&nbsp;</span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoAutoSig><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"><span =
> style=3D'font-size:
>  12.0pt'>Anne Pattillo</span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoAutoSig><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"><span =
> style=3D'font-size:
>  12.0pt'>Anne Pattillo</span></font> Consulting</p>
> <p class=3DMsoAutoSig><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"><span =
> style=3D'font-size:
> 12.0pt'>&nbsp;</span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoAutoSig><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"><span =
> style=3D'font-size:
> 12.0pt'>Phone 64 4 473 2702</span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoAutoSig><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"><span =
> style=3D'font-size:
> 12.0pt'>Fax 64 4 4732703</span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"><span =
> style=3D'font-size:
> 12.0pt'>&nbsp;</span></font></p>
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> ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C2FEC4.C4CA90D0--
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Wed, 9 Apr 2003 08:53:02 -0700
> From:    Laurel and Rick <>
> Subject: Re: Open Space on television?
> Wow!   This sounds exciting, Joelle!  I've been in a two day OST meeting
> that was videotaped and then edited, but never live on TV.  The surprising
> thing about being taped is that it seemed to have very little impact on
> discussions - in very little time, people became so engaged in their
> conversations that they forgot all about the camera.  I can't imagine it
> would be any different on TV.  Would the camera's be scanning the entire
> meeting, bumblebeeing, going to several breakout sessions, hanging out at
> the food table?  Will it really be in real time, or will there be some
> editing of the material?  I'll be interested in seeing how this plays out.
> Hugs,
> Laurel.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joelle Lyons Everett" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 9:40 PM
> Subject: Open Space on television?
> > Friends--
> >
> > Someone has inquired about doing an Open Space conference on television.
> > Have any of you done this?
> >
> > The person who inquired thinks, correctly, that Open Space provides a
> > environment for people with conflicting beliefs to talk with each other.
> >
> > I have two questions--
> >
> > First, will participants be willing to speak freely, knowing that their
> > comments are being heard by a television audience?
> >
> > Second, I question whether real-time group conversation would play well
> > television, to an audience used to fast-paced, highly scripted and
> > shows.
> >
> > But I have no first-hand experience on this.  Do you?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Joelle
> >
> > *
> > *
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> Date:    Wed, 9 Apr 2003 13:02:46 EDT
> From:    Joelle Lyons Everett <>
> Subject: Re: Open Space on television?
> Laurel--
> I really don't know what the person who proposed the idea has in mind, and
> don't think that she has proposed the idea yet to TV people or sponsors,
> even thought through the details of how it might work.  She is at the
> of "Open Space provides a way for people with conflicting views to talk
> together, let's have one around some tough political issues, and let's do
> on television."
> I've invited her to an OS I'm facilitating next month, so she will have a
> chance to think about how the live event might translate to television.
> I have done group sessions in the past which were videotaped for internal
> use, and I have had the same experience, that the cameras soon become
> invisible.  I wonder whether the experience is different if people know
> words are being broadcast.
> Thanks,
> Joelle
> *
> *
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> ------------------------------
> Date:    Wed, 9 Apr 2003 13:42:15 -0400
> From:    Harrison Owen <>
> Subject: Re: Open Space on television?
> --Boundary_(ID_6JyPj6DntWL20cEk/9vfyw)
> Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
> Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
> At 01:02 PM 4/9/2003 -0400, Joelle wrote:
> >I really don't know what the person who proposed the idea has in mind,
and I
> >don't think that she has proposed the idea yet to TV people or sponsors,
> >even thought through the details of how it might work.  She is at the
> >of "Open Space provides a way for people with conflicting views to talk
> >together, let's have one around some tough political issues, and let's do
> >on television."
> videoing an event has never been a problem in my experience -- but my gut
> tells me that a live TV hook-up could be "interesting." Might be
> doing as an experiment -- but my prediction is that having it all live
> encourage "grandstanding" particularly in an event focused on high voltage
> political issues. My inclination would be shoot first, edit and broadcast
> later. this would not mean much of a delay (instant edit etc). I also
> it would make better TV. OS is so episodic (things happen when they
> that having film crews just sitting and waiting could be a downer. But
> a good edit, the story gets told. For an example, see the (excellent I
> think) tape USWEST did.
> Harrison
> >Harrison Owen
> 7808 River Falls Drive
> Potomac, MD 20854 USA
> phone 301-365-2093
> Open Space Training
> Open Space Institute
> Personal website
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> <body>
> At 01:02 PM 4/9/2003 -0400, Joelle wrote:<br><br>
> <blockquote type=cite class=cite cite>I really don't know what the person
> who proposed the idea has in mind, and I<br>
> don't think that she has proposed the idea yet to TV people or sponsors,
> or<br>
> even thought through the details of how it might work.&nbsp; She is at
> the point<br>
> of &quot;Open Space provides a way for people with conflicting views to
> talk<br>
> together, let's have one around some tough political issues, and let's do
> it<br>
> on television.&quot;</blockquote><br>
> videoing an event has never been a problem in my experience -- but my gut
> tells me that a live TV hook-up could be &quot;interesting.&quot; Might
> be worthwhile doing as an experiment -- but my prediction is that having
> it all live will encourage &quot;grandstanding&quot; particularly in an
> event focused on high voltage political issues. My inclination would be
> shoot first, edit and broadcast later. this would not mean much of a
> delay (instant edit etc). I also think it would make better TV. OS is so
> episodic (things happen when they happen) that having film crews just
> sitting and waiting could be a downer. But with a good edit, the story
> gets told. For an example, see the (excellent I think) tape USWEST
> did.<br><br>
> Harrison<br><br>
> <blockquote type=cite class=cite cite>Harrison Owen</blockquote>
> <x-sigsep><p></x-sigsep>
> <div align="center">7808 River Falls Drive<br>
> Potomac, MD 20854 USA<br>
> phone 301-365-2093<br>
> Open Space Training
> <a href="";
> <br>
> Open Space Institute <a href="";
> Personal website <a href="";
> <u><br>
> </u></font>To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options,<br>
> view the archives of <font
> </u></font>Visit: <a
> <br><br>
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> --Boundary_(ID_6JyPj6DntWL20cEk/9vfyw)--
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Wed, 9 Apr 2003 18:57:36 +0100
> From:    kerry napuk <>
> Subject: OS and strategic planning
> Dear Jaime Fitzgerald
> Of course, Open Space can be used in strategic planning.  Ignore
> those negative comments about the planning process, it just reflects
> individual experiences probably with a poor planning model.
> If people want to look at the future and call it strategic or
> corporate planning, that's their business.  What matters is that they
> are willing to look at future issues and actions, the heart of Open
> Space.  The really important issue is how many people will be
> involved in the process of agreeing THEIR organization's future?
> And, as we know, OST is a great process to involve lots of people
> from all parts of an organization (and outsiders too) on an equal
> basis.
> Open Futures has used OST in two recent and successful strategic
> planning applications:
> 1. Scottish Further Education Funding Council, September 2002, with
> 45 principals or 98% of the total system in Scotland with Council
> members and staff.  The theme was "what are the issues and actions
> for the Funding Council to consider in its 2003-06 corporate plan?"
> This was the first time that college principals participated in the
> planning process by raising their burning issues and proposed actions
> for consideration.
> So, OST can be used effectively as a front end input on issues and
> actions to be considered by a smaller planning group.  Conversely,
> another event can be used after a planning group establishes a
> planning framework, e.g. direction, objectives and goals, by asking
> participants to devise strategies and make detailed action plans for
> implementation.  In this way, plans do not have to be cascaded
> through an organization, because they are agreed and owned during the
> OST event.
> 2. Scottish Arts Council, December 2002, with 31 senior managers to
> review key parts of the corporate plan in open space, revising the
> plan in accordance with the agreed outputs of all participants.
> If you would like to review a tested and effective planning model,
> please see my book THE STRATEGY LED BUSINESS (McGraw-Hill 1996, ISBN
> 0-07-709285-6.)  Although it was presented as a step-by-step process
> for small and medium sized businesses, it is a universal model for
> all sectors.  I have used it in government and voluntary
> organizations.  Our large group processes - Vision Search and
> Strategy Search - are based on this model, allowing the planning
> process for up to 120 people in teams of eight.  For more
> information, please visit our website,
> Good luck on your project.  You are doing ground breaking work!  It
> can be done with the right design, using Open Space for front end
> inputs, back end detailed planning for implementation or review of
> specific parts of an existing plan.
> Cheers
> Kerry Napuk
> Open Futures Ltd.
> Edinburgh, UK
> --
> *
> *
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> Date:    Wed, 9 Apr 2003 21:45:04 +0200
> From:    Avner Haramati <>
> Subject: Re: OS and strategic planning
> Hi Jaime
> A strategic planning story from the southern part of the Holy Land;
> A regional council that governs on about 25 villages and Kibutzs decided
> use OST to their strategic planning (as they called it) for the next 5
> years.They chose OST because their idea  was to have a participatory
> with maximum inhabitants.  The preparations with the sponsor (the head of
> the council), the management of the region, the strategic planning team
> especially with the steering commitee of the OS were long ( 3-4 months)
> relatively complex. A lot of anxiety,  trust building from all sides, and
> the enlisting of the population. We opened the space last November( I did
> with Tova Averbuch) for 1 1/2 days on the issue of `What future are we
> to build in  xxxx for us and our childeren - issues and oportunities`.
> 8 `heavy` issues were chosen and 5 another less chosen that people wanted
> take .
> I took 1-2 months to start roling and by now all the teams (but one
> issue that didn`t start) advance very well and it looks they are going to
> conclude towards June (the target date).
> The comunity is informed on the website in real time about the meetings,
> proceedings, and there is an open invitation to whoever cares to join.
> To their request I accompany the new steering commitee (that was created
> after the OS) in their monthly meetings in order `to remind them to keep
> tuneof the OS`  It is heading by the sponsor and include the convenors of
> the teams, the strategic planning team and some people that care.
> All the best
> Avner Haramati
> Jerusalem
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jaime Pedreros Fitzgerald <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 11:46 PM
> Subject: OS and strategic planning
> > Hello dear colleagues,
> >
> > Most of the OS literature I have reviewed mention that
> > OS is not useful (or would not work) in strategic
> > planning gatherings. I would like to mention that my
> > first experience (november 2000) with OS with an
> > business education institution consisted of "ways to
> > enrich our strategic planning approach". This was
> > conducted in two different brief gatherings, the first
> > one with staff (5 people, 3 hour) members and the
> > second one with selected (11 people, 4 hour)
> > instructors. Actually, the second workshop was a
> > suggestion of the person in charge of correspondence
> > delivery (a kind of post man). Despite the manager's
> > "eager to control everything" some useful perspectives
> > were developed:
> > First meeting:
> > Investigate the competence
> > Improve ways to face the future
> > To take advantage of the institution's best resource
> > (instructors)
> > Second
> > A SWOT matrix
> > List of suggestions to strength the organization
> >
> > My doubts and needs of additional information arouse
> > because the tax authority in Bolivia (to whom I have
> > already submitted a proposal to complement new staff
> > members' induction process by using a half-day
> > conventional training and half-day OS meeting) asked
> > me to elaborate a "consensus" for the strategic
> > planning of the organization (by using alternative
> > methodologies). Later on, I (in case the contract is
> > awarded to me) will organize three workshop in the
> > corresponding major cities. These workshop will serve
> > to discuss the draft of the harmonized document as
> > well as to select participants for a "main event" in
> > which the final document would be elaborated.
> >
> > MY questions are as follows:
> >
> > To what extent can OS be used in this case
> > Is there any former (and of course, successful)
> > experience about OS and strategic planning
> >
> > Your kind assistance is highly (and obligedly)
> > appreciated.
> >
> > Warm regards from La Paz
> >
> > Jaime
> >
> > _________________________________________________________
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> > Información de Estados Unidos y América Latina, en Yahoo! Noticias.
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> >
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> Date:    Wed, 9 Apr 2003 16:40:49 -0400
> From:    Larry Peterson <>
> Subject: Re: OS and strategic planning
> I agree with Kerry on this one.  I have opened space many times as part
> of "strategic planning" - getting clarity, passion and direction about
> intentionally moving forward.  It is also a great way to practice
> "emergent" strategy.  Developing the ability to respond when "chaos
> strikes".  One client said that the three year plan took two years
> because in Open Space those implementing the "plan" produced it and
> started implementing it (and the relationships needed to  carry it off)
> in the Open Space.
> Larry
> Larry Peterson
> Associates in Transformation
> Toronto, ON, Canada
> 416.653.4829
> *
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> ------------------------------
> Date:    Wed, 9 Apr 2003 23:43:45 +0100
> From:    Seamus McInerney <>
> Subject: Re: Open Space on television?
> Hi Joelle,
> I think it would work very well. Just look at the popularity of 'fly on
the wall' programmes lately. There is even one on BBC that invites people to
dinner and listens in on the conversations that develop. A two day OS with a
suitable subject could be edited to make an interesting programme. They
could even do a follow up to see what had happened after a few months.
> Mind you the attraction to TV land is the conflicts that arise, not the
sources of agreement.
> Shay
> > OSLIST <> wrote:
> >
> > Friends--
> >
> > Someone has inquired about doing an Open Space conference on television.
> > Have any of you done this?
> >
> > The person who inquired thinks, correctly, that Open Space provides a
> > environment for people with conflicting beliefs to talk with each other.
> >
> > I have two questions--
> >
> > First, will participants be willing to speak freely, knowing that their
> > comments are being heard by a television audience?
> >
> > Second, I question whether real-time group conversation would play well
> > television, to an audience used to fast-paced, highly scripted and
> > shows.
> >
> > But I have no first-hand experience on this.  Do you?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Joelle
> >
> > *
> > *
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> Date:    Wed, 9 Apr 2003 23:36:13 EDT
> From:    Joelle Lyons Everett <>
> Subject: Re: Open Space on television?
> Harrison--
> Thanks for the input.  I also think that some editing would probably make
> television which was more interesting, more focussed--and maybe fairer
> coverage.  Even when filming from a script, there is usually editing
> Thanks for the reminder that with current gear, editing can happen pretty
> fast!
> Joelle
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> End of OSLIST Digest - 8 Apr 2003 to 9 Apr 2003 (#2003-96)
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