
I'm honored to serve as Poet Laureate--in a group that is rich in poets and
poems.  April is celebrated in the US as National Poetry Month, so before
April slips away, I'd like to convene an ongoing OS session, a virtual poetry
reading and open microphone.

The space is now open for poems, your own writing or favorite pieces written
by others.  The only requirement is that the poem has special meaning for
you.  If there's a story behind it, you might want to share that as well.

So . . . no deadlines, no required topic, no voting, just the pleasure of
hearing favorite words.  I'll start things rolling with a poem of my own,
inspired by contest entries about peace, and Listserve comments on the
practice of peace.  I'm hoping that out-of-the-closet poets, lurkers, and
those who just love words will join me in this virtual circle to share your


Practice peace . . . wage peace
I'm starting to notice that peace
Needs verbs.

Watching the dim screen
Split by fire, I notice that peace
Needs thrills.

Not the 'rockets' red glare,'
But something more difficult
And more simple.

So we sit in a small room
Facing each other and fully listen
To one another's grief.

At long last, I hear my voice speak
My own passion and sorrow
Into the silence.

The borders of the map have not moved
But my own borders
Are shifting inside me.

We're in new terrain, suddenly dropped
Behind enemy lines
With everything we need.

This new story will need verbs
To tell what has never happened
Until now.

Joelle Lyons Everett
@ April 2003

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