Access Queen Invites You to Dream and Share. - - - - - - - - - - - -
Access Queen was dreamed up at the 9th OSonOS in Vancouver as a way to share news of who has and who needs resources to get to our annual global gatherings so that people of lower financial abilities and from faraway countries may attend. I volunteered to take this role and Laurel Doersam later named me Access Queen. Last year our sharing of dreams and resources got *six* people to our gathering in Melbourne, including our esteemed colleagues from India and Haiti. - - - - - - - - - - - - DREAM of joining us at the 11th Annual Open Space on Open Space on the island of Fyn, Denmark -- August 23-26, 2003 -- for Open Space facilitators and enthusiasts from around the world to join together in-person for sharing opportunities and issues reflecting our passions. ACT on making that dream come true. REGISTER for the gathering at <> READ the registration and information materials there and see what you need to put together as a picture of what it will cost you. REMEMBER to add up the amount of money you will need for air ticket, accommodation and registration, pocket money, ground transportation (such as train and taxi from airport). You may wish to use a Currency Converter at <> One place I use to shop for air tickets is <> - - - - - - - - - - - - *** Don't have the financial ability to join us but would like to? *** - - - - - - - - - - - - BECOME an Access Queen "Asker". BELIEVE in yourself as I believe in you. Have the courage to ask for support - to jump into the unknown and find that your community will catch you. Put together a picture of what you will need to actualize your dream. CONTACT me and I will help you ask your potential funders, *including* our colleagues on the OSLIST who may have resources to share. I will post messages on the OSLIST with and for you to help you ask, either by name or anonymously. Email me at Each 'asker' is encouraged to *generate funding from multiple sources* rather than asking one source to cover all your expenses. Think of funding in clusters, in a way: travel money/assistance, accommodation/registration assistance, homestay assistance, pocket money - and perhaps ask each different source to contribute the funds for a different part. It helps to write up a proposal which you can give to the organizations and individuals you from which you are requesting funding assistance. You can find an example of such a request at: [I'll let Michael Herman post this and let you know the link]. SEND your Request for Funding to every organization or community coalition or group of friends you can think of to raise the funds. You may wish to also ask for some assistance with travel moneys from the Open Space Institute of the USA -- you can use an adapted version of the proposal I mention above to include how your request fits within the guidelines of OSI(US) funding activities: to support underserved areas; to provide support that is leveraged to reach multiple people; to match recipients' actions and resources with OSI-US actions and funds; to have a commitment from the recipient to share the story of their OST experience. For proposals sent to OSI(US) (at ) please be sure to send your request for support by *before* June 23; OSI(US) will return decisions by the latest July 23. When you do join us in Denmark, BRING your art work / writing / folk art from your country/culture to sell at the OSonOS Global Village Marketplace to help raise additional money for your expenses or to put into next year's Access Queen fund. - - - - - - - - - - - - ***Do you feel like you can afford it and are thinking of coming? Or even thinking of *not* coming?*** SHARE your resources with an Access Queen Asker. - - - - - - - - - - - - RENEW or BEGIN your membership in the Open Space Institute of the USA. OSI(US) will then have more funds to share with Askers who send in proposals - we may be able to help some with travel expenses. OSI(US) members include colleagues from Switzerland, Haiti, Canada, Germany, Denmark, Scotland, Japan, Australia, France, England, Republic of China (Taiwan), and the US. And you, as well? SHARE your Frequent Flyer miles with an Asker - contact me to find out who has asked. When you register for OSonOS, PAY FOR *2* accommodations and / or *2* registrations and let me know that you have done so - we'll give it to an Asker and you can either remain anonymous or be introduced to your Asker. BRING an envelope which has in it POCKET MONEY for an Asker. Let me know you will be bringing this (this will help us know how much more our Askers need to raise) and I can make sure it gets to an Asker. SEND or BRING your art work / writing / folk art from your country to sell at OSonOS Global Village Marketplace (the tables we will be setting up for showing and selling your items from around the world) to help raise money for next year's Access Queen fund. DONATE any amount of money to the Access Queen fund by mailing me a check which I shall put into a special account. - - - - - - - - - - - - Let us see what happens when we each put a potato, a carrot or a bit of onion into the rich and nutritious broth we can co-create to bring the flavors of diversity and access to this year's OSonOS. That and a little aquavit should make for a marvelous experience. Lisa Heft (also known as Access Queen) * * ========================================================== ------------------------------ To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives of, Visit: