Hi, Doris –
I’ve made agenda walls out of office partitions, moveable exhibit walls,
banner/butcher paper hanging from very high up to all the way down so
it’s attached (by the hotel) at the ceiling and lays flat against the
wall, poster boards leaning on the wall…and of course those global
(Canadian, German) tables are also a possibility.  Hotels also have
events with exhibits – what do they use for those?
I’ve also made appointments with hotel people to ask them about (and to
show them), one by one, other adhesive possibilities.  Masking tape,
blue painters tape, Blue Tac, pushpins…
I have always ‘put my foot down’ (for those of you for whom English is
not a first language this means ‘drawn the line at / been totally firm
and stubborn about / not moved an inch about) regarding placing tables
for discussion areas (and food).  What I’ve in some cases done instead
is had the hotel bring in a f-e-w café or bar tables (little tops, no
chairs around them, often designed for standing at or bar stools) to put
against the wall around the food area (so they are clearly not for
sitting) but instead part of the Open Space ‘cocktail party’ energy.
But I don’t do this very much because I find that people very easily
draw two chairs together and put their food on one and sit on the other.

Picture a buffet at your house. People don’t necessarily sit at tables
in your living room – they sit all around wherever they are drawn to and
gee, they seem to handle that quite well.  Doris, are you worried when
you do this at your home that people will be ‘struggling to eat’ as they
talk?  Have you had this problem at someone’s home?  I give you that as
a way to remember…
I would let the worried/helpful man from the organization know that this
familiar way of taking care of ones’ self is just exactly what you want,
on purpose.
And most importantly of all, I am very excited for you and know you’ll
have a marvelous Open Space.  
L i s a   H e f t
Consultant, facilitator, educator
O p e n i n g  S p a c e
2325 Oregon 
Berkeley, California
94705-1106   USA
(+01) 510 548-8449
(coming soon: www.openingspace.net)
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