
There's actually a story about an OS at Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center, 
conducted by Anne Stadler some years ago.  The Hutch is on of the few cancer 
facilities in the world with strong programs in the 3 major research 
disciplines (epidemiology, clinical and laboratory; I think I remember that 
correctly.)  Anyway, like is so many fields, these folks don't talk to each 
other.  Lee Hartwell, the sponsor, brought them together because he is 
convinced that a cure will come through inter-disciplinary breaththroughs.  
About a year after the OS, Lee was made president of the Hutch and 
cross-discipline activities continue to grow.  (And not related, Lee won a 
Nobel Prize for his own work in the field.  Something to do with yeasts...)

The story is in the OS chapter of The Change Handbook.  I've copied the 
un-copyedited version below.


P.S.  on a different subject, many, many thanks for the thoughts on who writes 
the notes.  You confirmed my instincts and gave me insights that are grounded 
in real experiences -- a major gift of this list.


Here is a system-wide, long-term Open Space story from Anne Stadler, an Open 
Space practitioner of many years:


In May, 1996, 120 faculty, students and staff from all Fred Hutchinson Cancer 
Research Center (FHCRC) divisions attended an unusual two day retreat.  
Focusing on the theme: "Integrating basic, clinical and epidemiological 
sciences to understand human biology and disease," they used Open Space 
Technology to initiate conversations and generate practical activities. 


It took foresight and courage to bring this about.  The FHCRC, 2,000 people 
strong, was organized by traditional scientific disciplines.  It is a global 
leader in cancer research.  So, why tamper with success?  


Dr. Lee Hartwell, a highly respected geneticist initiated the effort.  He 
believed that only through synthesizing basic, clinical and population sciences 
would we understand fundamentals of human biology and disease.  The crucial 
answers would no longer come from isolated pursuits of different disciplines.  
Hartwell chose Open Space Technology to support maximum opportunity for 
self-organizing.  He felt this would reveal the nascent leadership 
opportunities for collaboration, learning and action. The choice had his 
colleagues scratching their heads.  People asked: "Who are the speakers?  What 
is the agenda?"  When told they would create it on the spot, most colleagues 
were skeptical. Once confronted with an open agenda and invited to take 
responsibility for what they cared about, leaders emerged to convene 


That first meeting generated several cross-disciplinary initiatives including a 
monthly graduate and post-graduate seminar; internal web pages for each 
laboratory; a dual-mentored training program; several interdisciplinary 
courses, mini-courses, workshops and lectures.   The event unleashed new 
leadership and enthusiastic participation. 


In 1997, Dr. Hartwell was named FHCRC President/Director.  His first act: 
convening another center-wide Open Space.   This created new relationships and 
projects including a long-term, four-division interdisciplinary research 
program, more courses, some reorganization, and on-going work on diversity and 
leadership development.  Reflecting on the FHCRC's year-old Open Space era, 
Hartwell said: "I have found that leadership in daily actions and issues is 
key.  To effect significant change, many people must become leaders."


FHCRC's current challenge is becoming a continuous open space learning 
community, fostering efficient communication among multiple sites with 
different cultures.  Kim Wells, Organization Development Director, keeps the 
space open for the evolving learning community.  She reports: "I've been 
offering classes in leadership of complex systems; we've started regular 
two-hour Open Space learning exchanges and we are considering an Open Space on 
diversity within the year. Using our Intranet for communication and tracking 
what people are doing and learning is a future prospect."


Based on Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center's two years of experience, 
opening space in an organization has these cycles: 


·        Convening the circle (calling all relevant stakeholders together on a 
timely and relevant subject); 

·        Revealing the leadership and diversity present (through 
self-organizing a marketplace); 

·        Manifesting practical outcomes in day to day work; 

·        Supporting the leadership in oneself and others to respond to emergent 
realities and possibilities; and 

·        Sharing learning through reflection and storytelling.  


Reprinted with permission of the publisher.  From The Change Handbook: Group 
Methods for Shaping the Future, copyright ©1999 by Peggy Holman and Tom Devane, 
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, CA.  All rights reserved.  



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Anne Pattillo 
  Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 8:38 PM
  Subject: Genetic Engineering and genetic modification

  I've been asked to facilitate a consultation event on the implementation of 
New Zealand's approach to issues surrounding genetic engineering and genetic 

  I'm using open space at the first event. It will have anywhere between 200 - 
400 people attending, a mix of environmentalists, scientists, farmers, business 
people, consumers and government officials.

  Passion won't be a problem.

  I was wondering if any one else have stories of using open space either on 
this issue or in relation to complex scientific issues.

  Your help and stories would be gratefully received.



  Anne Pattillo

  Anne Pattillo Consulting

  PO Box 683 


  Phone 64 4 4732702

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