Artur Ferreira da Silva wrote:

Michael (Herman):

Thank you for your long post on our "sites", but I became more confused
later then I was before ;-(((

not to worry, we're only part way through the opening here... <grin>

Can you please explain what content will be located in the current .org
site and what will be in the new .net  site?

yes, this will all come clear... for now, the sections that already
exist at the .ORG site can continue to be filled in....

Do you plan to have the multilingual feature in both (ok, for the time
being, I accept that the .com will be "American only" ;-)

that all depends on waht languages are spoken by those who show up.  we
actually checked the calendar last night and we learned that there are a
number of portuguese holidays coming up soon!

In relation with research, and agreeing that it depends on all of us to
provide all our research papers to be displayed on the site (but to have a
call for such papers in the site would help), is the research
restricted to
OST or is it open to OSOs? And should those two be mixed or separated?

if you write the call for papers, i will post it on the site.  if we get
OSO papers then we can also make a separate subsection for those... but
first the call, right?

many thanks, m

[My opinion is that OSOs are the most interesting field of research on
so I would like to see a separated space for that research, and see it
considered as part of the OSW site and movement]

One more comment:

At 02:55 19-06-2003 -0500, Michael Herman wrote:

for those of you familiar with the game Parker Brothers game called
"Monopoly!" you will notice that we now own ALL the OpenSpaceWorld
properties and are now allowed to start building houses and hotels!
<grin>  but i digress...

It's interesting that you refer to "Monopoly". As I see it, to have all
those domains reserved (or claimed) by OSIs in "anti-monopolist" by
definition. It assures that "private owners" cannot claim those domains
anymore. It is a pity that we have not enough resources to claim to
the all
community other closed related domain names...


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Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
300 West North Avenue #1105
Chicago IL 60610 USA
(312) 280-7838 - consulting & publications - laboratory & playground - worldwide open space

...inviting organization into movement

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