along that theme of one more thing not to do, am I understanding correctly
that for you, so long as people "take responsibility for what they care
about in the context of the whole" that is enough---no circle needed, no
principles stated and so on. Or am I understanding your words correctly?

Blessings to you,

-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST []On Behalf Of Peggy
Sent: Friday, July 04, 2003 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: questions on OS's form


A comment on the OS you attended with:

>no walking in a circle (the two co-facilitators sat at the head of the

and Harrison's response:
>Walking the circle focuses and centers the group. If the group is already
focused, and knows where it is, save the effort and sit down.

I've attended 2 sessions called OS where there was no circle or stating of
the principles and the law.

One was a corporate setting with lots of tables.  They had some
pre-determined topics "just in case".  No surprise: the only topics were the
pre-selected ones.  The work of focus and centering, which creates space by
defining its edges was not in their consicousness and therefore not done.

The other setting was the Leadership Institute of Seattle.  This was a group
in which most people knew each other.  They had common values from working
together over time.  In this setting, while people sat in little circles of
3 at the opening, there was no issue with sessions getting posted.  I did
notice that people did not use their two feet at all to travel between
sessions.  So something was lost in the mix.

So, what is the essence?  I continue to use that wonderful design lesson
from Harrison:  what's one less thing to do and have the experience be

I've come to believe the essence of open space is taking responsiblity for
what you care about in the context of the whole.  This to me is the law of
two feet.  The principles flow from this way of being.  Circles help.
Naming the law and the principles make them much more visible.


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