I am using OST in a (I think) unique way and wondered if others have done 
something similar and/or might have words of wisdom.  It does feel a bit risky 
- but- trust the process!

I am using using OS the final morning of a 3 day conference.   Over the 
previous 3-4 days people from all over the US will have attended workshops 
regarding issues impacting female offenders.  (participants will range from 
Corrections Officers and others in the corrections system, social workers, 
researchers, ex-offenders, educators, etc. )  Obviously when people leave the 
conference they return home to their own state adn state correction system.  
There is no national body or group to make anything happen - just the 
participants themselves.  

The purpose of this AM session is for participants (we expect 250-400 by this 
day) to begin the "what's next?" process - what have they been inspired by 
during the conf, what issue/challenge do they have passion to follow up with - 
and that they will convene a session on.  We have time for the market place and 
a single 1 hour session only.  (But even the market place itself will provide 
great data about what has inspired/captured people at the conference.)  They 
will meet, and the convenor will see that someone completes a form with who was 
there and what happened.  These will be either entered on the spot by 
volunteers (during the conf closing) or in the next couple days adn posted to a 
website for review.  

We are hoping that some networks and partnerings are born here that continue 
past the conference - so the conference becomes more part of a change process 
than an event.   (the closing will be an OS circle and then a choir at the very 
end - so no more speakers!)

Have any of you done something similar?  Suggestions for the incredibly short 
time?? (am I nuts??)  I am counting on the 45-60 min rule of organizing for ANY 
size group!!
Darcy  in Maine

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