I have been a part of an open space event in which the lead consultant specializes in graphic representations of her diagnostic research.  She creates fantastic visuals for everything she does.  She opens space with her graphic versions of the law of two feet, butterflies, bumblebees posted around the room.  She also includes lots of large paper and markers in the breakout rooms.  It must be because she sets the tone but many of the marketplace sesssions come back with fabulous visual reports. The open space was only half a day of three days of capacity building, and people attending the group were asked to attend with work teams so they could work as a team.  Even in open space, teams tended to stick together (it was a part of our design).  It was a bit of a hybrid with open space one small piece.  But the visual reports were gorgeous and I saw great power in inviting people to open themselves up visually.  In several breakouts, each person created their own graphic report.  By the end of the three days, the walls were covered with stunning work.  We did not ask people to create visuals:  we just set a stage WITH visuals and provided markers and color pencils.

>From: Peggy Holman
>Reply-To: OSLIST
>To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
>Subject: Graphic recorder in Open Space
>Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 10:57:33 -0700
>Hello all. What an odd time with the list disappearing and reappearing!!
>I am doing an OS next week and there will be a graphic recorder there. (This is a person who captures the content of an event on large murals in pictures and words. In other meeting forms, speakers and plenary discussions are documented. The charts make fabulous meeting reports.)
>I've had a graphic recorder participate in one OS event. She set up in a hall way that everyone passed through, wrote the conference theme on a large blank page and proceeded to create a great mural of words and pictures through conversations with people who stopped by. She also invited people to add their own bits as well. Here's the result:
>I've also on occasion just supplied the blank mural with the theme and drawing materials and the invitation to create something. Once it worked brilliantly another time (with arts groups, who I suspect were too self conscious) the paper stayed blank.
>Have others worked with graphic recorders in Open Space? What are your experiences?
>yours from an overcast Seattle,
>P.S. Elena -- yes, I'll be in Denmark for OSonOS. And about "'old' guys working here on the old mood", I'm not sure what you mean, but it sounds like a good thing!
>Peggy Holman
>The Open Circle Company
>15347 SE 49th Place
>Bellevue, WA 98006
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