Dearest Lisa;
Thank you for your passion and responsibility and leadership as the "Access
I have had considerable experience with Silent auction for the Long Term
Care Facility foundation in my community and will offer my experience. I was
chair of the annual Gala and silent auction held April 4, 2003...yes the day
of the worst ice storm of the winter...and we made over $50,000 on the event
in spite of the weather. 350 of 425 people showed up by taxi, snowmobile or
other ingenious means when even the malls had been closed down...and the
theme, murder on the orient express...of course, the murder happened as the
train was stalled in a snowstorm.. very excellent manifesting on our part.

So we need paper, pencils items to auction and a closing time for the event.
We need a registration system to assign people numbers and then they bid and
of course people to bring money!!!

I will think of what I can bring. I am amazed...just like at a garage person's junk is another person's treasure.

Looking forward to seeing many of you there.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: OSLIST []On Behalf Of Lisa
  Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 12:20 PM
  Subject: Access Queen Invites You to Join our International Silent Auction
and Global Village Marketplace at OSonOS

  Access Queen Invites You to Join our International Silent Auction and
Global Village Marketplace at OSonOS

  As many of you know, Access Queen is my nickname for when I am raising
awareness and helping people match resources to needs to help folks get to
each year's OSonOS.

  All funds raised at OSonOS will go towards our current Access Queen
"Askers" (each has asked for a specific amount to help them to get to OSonOS
this year) and any extra will go to the Access Queen fund for OSonOS in Goa
in 2004.

  If you are joining us in-person in "Swenmark" this weekend or if you live
near someone who is about to make that journey, you may wish to bring
something for these two fund-raising opportunities at OSonOS (or have your
colleague pack it into their suitcase)

  - - - - -

  **Join our first international Silent Auction!**

  If you have something to offer, either services.

  (consultation hours over the phone?  A cabin in the woods someone can
visit for a week?  A massage you will provide to an OSonOS'er before s/he
leaves Bramstrup?)

  .or items.

  (some art that you or someone in your village has made?  a ticket to an
event or dinner for two in Denmark or Sweden an OSer can buy and enjoy?)

  .Please bring them to OSonOS for our first international Silent Auction.

  [I've never done a silent auction before but I'm guessing I'll post a
session to convene a group early in the OSonOS and we'll figure out the
particulars.  Ms. Peggy reminds me that Spirited Work has done these in
recent years and they have been very successful with a minimum of
effort/maintenance and a maximum of fun!  I shall set up a table upon which
we can place our items - you may wish to make a card that
explains/identifies your item and we'll figure out any bidding process when
we get there.  We'll probably do something like close the bidding on Monday
evening, go through the bids together and post the 'winners' Tuesday
morning.  Whatever we think works best.]

  *for those of you sending items - anything we don't 'sell' we'll eat or
use on site before we leave so don't send anything you need back.

  - - - - -

  **Access Queen's Global Village Marketplace**

  If you would like to sell your or your village's art, books, fabric,

  .to raise money for -either- the Access Queen fund -or- to help defray
your own expenses for traveling to OSonOS.

  Bring it to OSonOS to sell at our Global Village Marketplace!

  I shall set up some tables; you will want to make your own signs to
explain your products and provide an envelope for donations.

  [I hear we already have copies of dear Alan Stewarts' books for sale as a
starter.and it sounds like Kerry and Eddie will be selling their new
publication, too.  And I will be selling some more of those pashmina shawls
from Nepal to help raise money for Janet Pinto, our Goa co-host.  Alas that
I cannot bring my eggs with art on them - Denmark, like Australia, also
prohibits bringing eggs across the borders.this time I learned to call

  - - - - -

  Thank you all for your warm support of each other, sharing of resources,
and co-creation of amazing things,


  (also known as Access Queen)


  L i s a   H e f t

  Consultant, Facilitator, Educator

  O p e n i n g  S p a c e

  2325 Oregon

  Berkeley, California

  94705-1106   USA

  +01 510 548-8449

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