Dear Friends in Open Space,

In sharing this experience (to illustrate my more 'daring' explorations of OST, 
post Melbourne,) I must acknowledge Peggy's immense encouragement.

 OST in the Classroom of Management Students

I teach a 2- semester Course in Organization Behavior at a Management Institute 
in Mumbai. The class, consisting of 50 students, includes classroom lectures 
and Group Projects that involve a study of practices in business Organizations.

The professor is expected to form the Groups and assign topics for the Project.

In the past, this 'professor centered' practice has evoked a veiled resistance 
from students, leading to conflicts in the groups and a scramble to meet 
deadlines. The quality of work has often reflected a superficial level of 

This year, when I suggested to the students that we use OST to decide on Groups 
and Projects, I met with immense resistance.  They were afraid that this would 
lead to 'forming cliques' and 'marginalizing' the less popular students. Others 
feared that the learning goals would be compromised as students, given the 
'freedom of choice' would find a path of least effort.

Were the students saying it was idealistic to expect 'responsible' behavior 
from them in an environment of Open Space?

My heart told me that the students needed an opportunity to discover their 
truer selves. I persisted in my persuasion until they agreed to give OST a 

The method was explained and posters on the OST Principles and Law were 
displayed. The theme chosen was : 'Organizational Behavior : Enriching theory 
with the excitement of live Practice"

Ten students came forward and each presented his/her topic to the class. What 
surprised me, even at this early stage, was the passion with which each one 
spoke, convinced that the subject they had chosen was full of exciting merit. 
The other students then made their choice and enrolled in different groups. 
When the students discover that there were only two members on tow of the 
groups they conferred amongst themselves and merged topics.  Soon the class was 
in the throes animated discussions, within self-organized groups.

Butterflies and Bumble Bees were seen buzzing around.  Some used the Law of Two 
Feet and returned. The Group Sessions were allotted 2 hours.

After a short break the groups were ready to present their outcomes to the 
Class: Project Topics and Strategies. What came though, besides an amazing 
clarity of thought, was deep team commitment. The students themselves were 
amazed at their own creativity. Kabir said, "Before we did this exercise, I 
couldn't have imagined we could come up with so many possibilities".

The Projects were executed over the following 2 months. Without any prodding 
and with immense enthusiasm, the students shared their weekly progress. There 
was a palpable sense that the students 'owned' the Projects and this made 
'over-seeing' virtually redundant.

The final presentations were an eloquent testimony to the method and spirit of 
Open Space Technology. Each Project report was a masterpiece of intelligent 
research and analysis.

In their 'end of semester' feedback the students singled out the method of Open 
Space as their single most powerful experience. They said they felt honored by 
the trust that OST implied and were inspired to challenge their own limits. For 
the first time their Projects, they said, were a joyful experience of real 
learning. They wished that the Open Space method could be used more widely in 
the Institute. The comments of Ali and Mukul echo these sentiments:

"The method of Open Space Technology brought new freedom, creativity and 
commitment to our Project work. We are deeply grateful to Ms. Pinto for 
believing in our integrity and giving us the freedom of choice in our Project 

"We felt a new sense of responsibility and commitment and were inspired to give 
of our best. This has been the most enjoyable and fruitful learning experience 
of the semester. The spirit of Open Space must be created in every situation of 
higher learning."

My learning, as a teacher, was just as profound.

Janet Pinto

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