Hi all,
I have subscribed to the Meaningful Moments e-zine for the past few months.
It is very enlightening.  Many of you may also find it interesting and
refreshing.  Some of you may also be subscribed and already receive it. In
this particular issue, there is a poem about "letting go" - it is this poem
that prompted me to share this treasure with all of you.
Have a great day,
Raymonde Lemire
Virtual Administrative Support Services
Télésecrétariat et administration à distance
2-511 Nobert
Tel: 819-643-1737


VOLUME 2 ISSUE 30, 2003 
Question: How can you make your life more meaningful today?

Answer: Learn about Growing Through Loss        
Cora writes: 
Through my work as a facilitator trainer for Survival Skills Education, I
met a remarkable woman who is doing amazing work with young people. 

  <http://www.goldenpathways.ca/ezine/images/ezine_letter_a.jpg> cting on
Paulette Walker created the "Growing Through Loss" Program, which began in
1993 at the Indianapolis Juvenile Correctional Facility in response to
research indicating that 80% of incarcerated youth had experienced a
significant loss prior to incarceration. 

  <http://www.goldenpathways.ca/ezine/images/ezine_letter_p.jpg> aulette
Walker of Indy Grief Loss writes:       

"It takes courage to feel and express the pain of grief in a society that
often values restraint. The loss of someone important to us or something of
value leaves us a changed person." 

Cora adds: And sometimes we need help to make that a positive change. 

When Paulette piloted the program in a juvenile correctional facility, she
was hoping for a class of 15 volunteers. Instead, 130 out of 225 high-risk
adolescent males referred themselves. Amazing in a place where volunteering
is not the norm. 

  <http://www.goldenpathways.ca/ezine/images/ezine_letter_g.jpg> rowing
Through Loss for Adolescents    
The "Growing Through Loss" program has been used by the YWCA, YMCA,
correctional facilities, traditional schools, alternative schools,
residential treatment centers, churches, community centers & adoption

The program has been recognized as program of the week by the Peter Drucker
foundation and the magazine Youth Today. 

The program addresses losses such as death, family divorce, abandonment,
physical & sexual abuse, pregnancy loss, etc. While the program has been
geared for adolescents, it has been used the past 5 years with women at the
Indiana Women's Prison. 


Meaningful Poem 

The following poem is from the graduation session of the Growing Through
Loss Program - used with permission. 

To LET GO is to fear less and love more. 
To LET GO doesn't mean to stop caring. It means I can't do it for someone
To LET GO is not to cut myself off. It's the realization that I don't
control another. 
To LET GO is not to enable, but to allow learning from natural consequences.

To LET GO is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my
To LET GO is not to try to change or blame another. I can only change
To LET GO is not to care for, but to care about. 
To LET GO is not to fix, but to be supportive. 
To LET GO is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being. 
To LET GO is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, but to
allow others to affect their own outcomes. 
To LET GO is not to be protective; it is to permit another to face reality. 
To LET GO is not to deny but to accept. 
To LET GO is not to nag, scold, or argue, but to search out my own
shortcomings and to correct them. 
To LET GO is not to adjust everything to my desires but to take each day as
it comes and to cherish the moment. 
To LET GO is not to criticize and regulate anyone but to try to become what
I dream I can be. 

To LET GO is not to regret the past but to grow and live for the future. 

Meaningful Learning Event       

We are pleased to announce that Paulette Walker LSW will be coming to Golden
Pathways to train facilitators, teachers, counsellors and parents that would
like to deliver this program in their organization, school or community. 

The training allows you to deliver the program which is 12 sessions. It
combines grief & loss, character education, life skills, anger management
and leadership training. 

Location: Golden Pathways Retreat and B&B, Peterborough, Ontario. 

Date: October 24th, 2003 from 9 to 4 p.m. (note: Oct 25th is possible for a
second session when the first class fills) 

Cost: $595.00 Cdn, Includes 170 page facilitator guide for "Growing Through
Loss" and 90 page student workbook, Peer Leadership Training Guide, Growing
Through Loss Training Manual and lunch. Extra workbook prices listed on

Topics include: 

*       Identifying needs of grieving teens 

*       Diagnosing complicated grief 

*       What makes adolescent grief different 

*       Behavioral responses, physical sensations, thought patterns; 

*       Grief reactions 

*       Symptoms of adolescent depression 

*       Research on the "Growing Through Loss" Program 

*       Practical application of "Growing Through Loss" 

Paulette Walker, LSW is the Program Director for Indianapolis Grief & Loss
Consulting & Educational Services. She has worked with the Indiana
Department of Correction and the Indiana Public Schools for the past 10
years facilitating grief groups and continues in direct service. She has
worked in the field of grief and loss for 16 years. She also currently
serves as a site instructor for Indiana School of Social Work and a Family
Conference Facilitator for the Indianapolis Children's Bureau. She received
the City of Indianapolis Mayor's Award in 1999 in her work in reducing
levels of depression among adolescents. 

Meaningful Websites     

Indianapolis Grief and Loss Educational Services
<http://www.indygriefloss.com/> www.indygriefloss.com 

Survival Skills Education for Youth, Women and Men  <http://www.ssed.org/>

Meaningful Gift 
If you know someone that would be interested in this program please forward
this ezine. 

We appreciate your assistance in attracting folks that are looking for just
this information. 


Cora and Marie individually and together offers a variety of facilitation,
workshop and retreat opportunities. Please contact us or check out our web
sites to learn more about the different ways we can guide and serve you. 

Marie:   <http://www.dallacor.com/> www.dallacor.com        Cora:
<http://www.goldenpathways.ca/> www.goldenpathways.ca   

Email: mkn...@dallacor.com   and  c...@goldenpathways.ca

PERMISSION TO REPRINT: You may reprint any items from "Meaningful Moments"
in your own print or electronic newsletter. Just let us know how you are
sharing it. Please send us a copy. 
If you are reading this from our website or have had the ezine forwarded to
you and would like to subscribe please click here
<http://www.goldenpathways.ca/ezine/subscription/subscribe.html> . 

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this e-zine by email click here
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