Dear Michael and all OSers

I know that there are plans for the revamping of the OST World Map, and the
question has been discussed at the last OSonOS. (for those that have not
noticed that, the sessions and comments on that are available

Now, your mail, Michael, conducted me to see the map once again.

At 15:39 06-09-2003 +0200, Pannwitz, Michael M wrote:
When you look at
you see the spread of open space on this planet, including a seperate list
of countries where os is practiced, Vietnam is not yet in that list of 80

Please consider the following comments and questions as some more
suggestions for the next release. Probably my observations will be less
important when there is a link to the OSI's and/or the pratitionners in
each country.

There are many countries in blue and a legend calling them "OST countries".

I think that the expression "OST countries" is ambiguos in two senses.
First there are no countries that "follow" OST in its gouvernance - what a
pity! - but I would call that an "OST country". I think that you mean
"countries where OST is practiced". But I still have some doubts about the

How does one country qualify to be in the map? They must have at least one
practitioner? More than one? Have had at least one OST event? More than one

With 3 facilitators and less than 10 events, does Portugal really qualify?
And Spain - are you thinking about Florian or do you know of some Spanish
practitionners/events? And what about France - I heard about an American
that conducted some OST events in the past - is he still there? is he still
working in OST? Are there French practitioners that I never heard about?
And Italy - I have seen in the Net some OST events with young regional
associations - are you thinking about that or do you have other
informations? And what about South-America? Of course, I am only talking
about latin speaking countries...

I would very much apreciate any informations on this



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