Hi, dear Helen -

I know our dear friends and Goa hosts Malay and Janet have not a
competitive bone in their bodies - it's just not their way of being.
These dates reflect weather (avoiding monsoon season) and cost (before
prices go up in high season) and many things I'm sure that I do not know
of that they carefully weighed and considered with the global Open Space
community in mind, including all the other events we folks will be
attending in that part of 2004.  I know that good things will be
happening at the same time, and I though I know it will be hard for some
folks to choose which to go to, I also know that folks who are unable to
travel to one continent will be meeting on another continent - and that
makes me feel very good indeed.



L i s a   H e f t
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
O p e n i n g  S p a c e
2325 Oregon
Berkeley, California
94705-1106   USA
+01 510 548-8449

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