Plexus Institute Thursday Complexity Postsome new self-organizing technology 
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Meg Salter

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      Thursday Complexity Post 
      September 11, 2003 
      Wireless Networking Hits Boston Rooftops 
      This week's TCP features a piece that can be viewed on-line from MIT's 
Technology Review.  Special thanks go to Jeff Johnston for pointing out this 

      The piece addresses some rather interesting new attempts to connect 
people wirelessly with one another to an internet gateway through a collection 
of rooftop antennae.  The project, called Roofnet, is an unmanaged group of 
computers running Linux and a Wi-Fi card, which self-organizes itself.  It is a 
self-configuring collection of computers that functions more efficiently for 
data packets to move around, hopping from rooftop to rooftop. The overall 
topology of the wireless network is constantly changing, but functions in a way 
that allows a data packet to find its way from one node in the network to the 
next, constantly re-evaluating old and new links, in more effective ways than 
other types of networks.

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      Networking from the Rooftop
      MIT Technology Review Article 



      . "chimney connection" is part of MIT's Roofnet, a project to create a 
self-organizing wireless network in which an amorphous, unmanaged collection of 
cheap Linux computers equipped with Wi-Fi cards collaborate to efficiently 
route data packets. Each computer and roof-mounted antenna at students' 
apartments and MIT buildings is a node on the network and the arrangement in 
which they are connected to each other-the topology of the network-is 
constantly changing.  "We want to understand how a whole bunch of computers 
with short-range radios can self-configure a network, forming order out of 
chaos," says computer science professor Robert Morris, who coordinates the 


      - Networking from the Rooftop

       by Erico Guizzo, Technology Review 

      August 29, 2003

      A few weeks ago, MIT graduate student Shan Sinha canceled his broadband 
Internet service. Now his Net connection comes through the chimney. From a 
computer in the living room of his Cambridge, MA, apartment, a few blocks from 
the MIT campus, a cable goes into the fireplace up to the roof, where it is 
attached to an antenna. From there, data packets hop to another roof-mounted 
antenna at a nearby student's apartment. That way, from roof to roof in 
multiple hops, Sinha's data packets finally reach a gateway-a computer 
connected to the fixed Internet-at MIT's computer science building. "We can't 
use the fireplace," he says, "but that's the cost of free Internet." 


      Sinha's "chimney connection" is part of MIT's Roofnet, a project to 
create a self-organizing wireless network in which an amorphous, unmanaged 
collection of cheap Linux computers equipped with Wi-Fi cards collaborate to 
efficiently route data packets. Each computer and roof-mounted antenna at 
students' apartments and MIT buildings is a node on the network and the 
arrangement in which they are connected to each other-the topology of the 
network-is constantly changing.  "We want to understand how a whole bunch of 
computers with short-range radios can self-configure a network, forming order 
out of chaos," says computer science professor Robert Morris, who coordinates 
the project. The network has now more than 30 nodes in a 4-square kilometer 
area surrounding the MIT campus. "We hope to reach a hundred nodes within a few 
months," he says. 

      Research groups at universities such as Carnegie Mellon, Rice, UCLA, and 
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and at companies such as Nokia, 
Intel, and Microsoft are developing similar systems. In each case, data packets 
are routed through geographically dispersed and wirelessly connected nodes that 
can be fixed in a building or moving with a user or vehicle. Applications of 
these so-called multi-hop mesh networks include systems to connect people 
carrying PDAs, tanks on a battlefield, or a large number of sensors in a 
factory plant. And community mesh networks such as Roofnet, which are much 
cheaper to deploy than DSL or cable hookups, are a promising way to overcome 
the "last mile" barrier and bring high-speed Internet access to a large number 
of people, especially those who live in rural areas or other places where the 
infrastructure for wired broadband access is not available.

      Community-owned wireless networks have appeared in several places in New 
York, San Francisco, Seattle, London, and other cities. These networks usually 
consist of a few interconnected base stations-known as wireless access 
points-located in windows and rooftops providing Internet connectivity in 
public spaces. The new generation of mesh networks such as Roofnet cover wider 
areas and are much more dynamic in the way they route data. Their nodes are not 
permanently connected; instead, they constantly revaluate the existing links 
and form new ones. As a result, data follows much more tortuous paths to reach 
the fixed Internet. And with tens or hundreds of nodes-some of them joining and 
leaving the network in a random fashion and thus constantly changing its 
topology-a difficult problem arises: how should data in these multi-hop 
wireless nets be routed? What paths in this labyrinth of rooftop and window 
antennas optimize the flow of packets?

      Distance Matters 

      Most of the routing protocols now being proposed by mesh network 
researchers borrow the shortest-path strategy used in the fixed Internet. These 
protocols try to find the route with the fewest number of intermediate nodes 
between sender and destination. For the wired Internet-with its nearly static 
topology and reliable links-this scheme has been working pretty well: our 
e-mails hop from router to router and reach the other side of the world in a 
few seconds.

      But it turns out that this shortest-path strategy might not be adequate 
for sending packets through the air. In a wireless network, according to the 
MIT group, distance matters: the longer the signal has to travel, the more it 
will degrade. Moreover, the link quality between nodes varies unpredictably due 
to such transient phenomena as trucks driving by, moisture in the air, or a 
pigeon sitting on the antenna. The result is a considerable amount of packet 
loss, transmission errors, and connections that simply appear and disappear 
throughout the day. A routing protocol that minimizes the number of hops ends 
up choosing longer distances for each hop-and therefore sending data over 
low-quality wireless links. 

      The MIT group realized that new routing strategies were necessary when 
they deployed an initial version of Roofnet last spring. They tried to 
implement some of the proposed routing protocols discussed by the Internet 
Engineering Task Force, the organization governing the Internet's technical 
standards. But while these protocols work well in theory-and are generally 
tested in computer simulations or small-scale, laboratory networks-they don't 
take into account many unpredictable factors involved in radio communication. 
The protocols usually assume, for example, that when one node can detect one 
nearby, it can communicate well with its neighbor. But that turns out not 
always to be true. The MIT researchers and other groups have found that many 
times two nodes can "hear" each other by exchanging small probe packets, but 
when they try to send real data, communication collapses due to inadequate 
bandwidth. Morris and his group decided that the best way to develop robust 
wireless routing protocols was to test them with a real network, real users, 
and real traffic. 

      Other mesh network researchers say the MIT work represents an important 
advance for debugging these routing schemes. "Their work is grounded in real 
system building," says Victor Bahl, a senior researcher who leads the 
networking group at Microsoft Research in Redmond, WA. "The insight that you 
get out of building things is a lot more than you'll ever get if you just 
simulate things." Demonstrating that such networking is viable in a real, 
large-scale implementation, he says, is a crucial step toward attracting more 
industry attention to the technology's potential.

      Deploying such a network became possible because Wi-Fi technology has 
gotten so cheap. A few years ago, Morris says, the price of the wireless cards 
would have made the project prohibitively expensive. Each Roofnet node uses an 
802.11b wireless networking card installed on a cheap PC running Linux and the 
routing software. A coaxial cable connects the wireless card to an 
omnidirectional antenna. The user then connects the PC to the Roofnet node. The 
total cost of the equipment for each node is $685. 

      To deploy the network quickly, the MIT group distributes free 
self-installation kits to students who want to participate in the project. For 
these students, getting the Roofnet node running is part of the fun. "Our 
antenna was put up by a friend of mine who does rock climbing," says graduate 
student Roshan Baliga, who lives in a two-story building with no easy roof 
access. "He scaled the side of the apartment to get to the roof, installed the 
antenna, and then rappelled down."

      MIT students are happy to participate in the project, especially because 
they can save some money. "We compared a broadband cable connection to Roofnet 
and couldn't tell the difference, so we cancelled the cable," says MIT senior 
Walt Lin, who installed the antenna on his sloped roof.

      The Road Ahead 

      With students surfing the Web, downloading music files, and working on 
problem sets on remote servers, the network is running with real traffic. Now 
Morris and the four graduate students working with him full time on the project 
can test different routing strategies that better adapt to the hostile wireless 

      Their idea to cope with the unpredictable environmental disruptions is to 
figure out not just whether two nodes can hear each other, but also measure how 
well they can communicate. Instead of finding the shortest path between two 
nodes, their protocols try to find the best path-the one in which data packets 
won't get stuck or corrupted along the way. This requires a constant monitoring 
of the links. Roughly once per second, each node sends out a small "hello" 
broadcast packet. All the other nodes record whether they receive this probe, 
keeping a history of the last 10 probes. So if, say, node A has sent out 10 
probes and node B received 8 and node C received 4, then the routing software 
knows that the path A-B is better than path A-C. Also, every 15 seconds, every 
node sends a broadcast message that lists the nodes it knows how to reach-and 
the link quality for each associated path. That way, all nodes have a complete, 
continually updated, routing map of the entire network-and know the optimal 
routes for reaching one another. 

      In building Roofnet, the MIT researchers found many things they didn't 
expect. For example, the range of the 802.11b cards and antennas vary 
considerably. "We're now skeptical about what manufacturers say," says John 
Bicket, one of the grad students working on the project. "We found nodes that 
couldn't talk across the street, but others could talk half a kilometer apart." 
The cause might be local environmental conditions or even multiple reflections 
of the same signal that cancel themselves out. Another surprising phenomenon is 
the lack of symmetry in the link transmission quality: it is not uncommon for 
node A to be able to send data to node B easily, while node B can't 
reciprocate. Such anomalies complicate the development of routing schemes. 

      By debugging and fine-tuning their routing schemes, the MIT researchers 
hope they will be able to use them in even more complicated systems. One such 
situation would be when nodes are not static in rooftops, but moving at 
different speeds in all directions-a scenario not far in the future, as more 
and more people carry personal digital assistants and cars are beginning to be 
equipped with computers. "It's a matter of tuning the protocol so that it can 
handle mobility," says Sanjit Biswas, another student involved in the project. 

      Ultimately, Morris says the group plans to release the Roofnet routing 
software as a freely dowloadable open source program. That means that anyone 
with a computer and a Wi-Fi card would be able to install the routing software 
and become a node in the network. Other people in other areas could also 
download the software and create their own rooftop community networks.

      Of course, many problems still need to be addressed. First, MIT can't 
provide Internet access to non-MIT affiliates; the network would therefore 
eventually have to find other gateways to the fixed Internet. But that raises 
another complicated issue: most Internet service providers don't want their 
users sharing their bandwidth. Also, the community networking technology needs 
to guarantee a certain level of security and privacy. With users literally 
sending their data through the air, via other people's nodes, some sort of 
encryption will probably be necessary to avoid eavesdropping. It is also 
necessary to guarantee a fair, balanced used of the system, to avoid that a 
single user sucks all the bandwidth and clogs the network. Finally, the system 
needs to be robust enough to resist some more pragmatic problems-such as when 
snow forms in the antennas.

      When the day comes, what will happen? Again, the MIT group wants to learn 
by doing. "We'll see," says Morris.



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